FwxAcceptEvent structure

Applies to: desktop apps only

The FwxAcceptEvent structure contains parameters for an event of the fwx_AcceptedConnection type, as defined in the FwxFirewallEventType enumerated type.

This event is a notification of a new connection that arrived on a listening socket.


typedef struct _tagFwxAcceptEvent {
  LPSOCKADDR            RemoteAddress;
  DWORD                 RemoteAddressLength;
  LPSOCKADDR            LocalAddress;
  DWORD                 LocalAddressLength;
  IFWXConnection        *piConnectionAccepted;
  FwxFilterAccess       FilterAccess;
  IFWXPerRuleDataplugin *PerRuleProcessedData;
  GUID                  ProtocolGuid;
  BOOL                  IsSecondary;
} FwxAcceptEvent;


  • RemoteAddress
    Pointer to a sockaddr structure that contains the address of the connecting peer.

  • RemoteAddressLength
    Size, in bytes, of the RemoteAddress member.

  • LocalAddress
    Pointer to a sockaddr structure that contains the local address for this connection.

  • LocalAddressLength
    Size, in bytes, of the LocalAddress member.

  • piConnectionAccepted
    Pointer to the IFWXConnection interface on the Microsoft Firewall service connection object for the newly accepted connection.

  • FilterAccess
    Value from the FwxFilterAccess enumerated type that indicates the type of access permission granted for the event. This member is used internally by the Firewall service and should not be modified or relied upon by application filters.

  • PerRuleProcessedData
    Pointer to a IFWXPerRuleDataplugin interface that represents the per-rule configuration data for the filter. This data is processed by the Firewall service when it starts, or when the rules are changed.

  • ProtocolGuid
    The globally unique identifier (GUID) for the protocol, if known to the Firewall service. If the protocol is not known, this parameter has the value GUID_NULL.

  • IsSecondary
    Boolean value that indicates whether the connection is a secondary connection.


Minimum supported client

None supported

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 (64-bit only)


Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) 2010



See also






Build date: 7/12/2010