Creating and Registering the Profile

For the client to enable the presence functionality and publish the presence information, the application must first create a profile and then register this profile with the server.

A profile can be created with the IRTClientProvisioning::GetProfile method. Before registering, presence must be enabled using the IRTCClientPresence2::EnablePresenceEx method. Once presence has been enabled, the application calls the IRTCClientProvisioning2::EnableProfileEx method to register with the server. For more information on registering with the server, see Contact Roaming. For more information on enabling the profile, see Profile Roaming.

The profile created by the IRTCClientProvisioning::GetProfile method is returned asynchronously from the server. The application receives an event of type RTCE_PROFILE to indicate that the profile has been returned. The IRTCEventNotification::Event method returns the IRTCProfileEvent interface in the pEvent parameter. The IRTCProfileEvent::get_Profile method contains the profile in the ppProfile parameter. For more information on creating the profile, see the Create the Roaming Profile code example.