
The put_PresentityURI property sets the presentity URI of the presence contact. This method sets the presentity URI returned in IRTCWatcher::get_PresentityURI.

HRESULT put_PresentityURI(BSTRpbstrPresentityURI);


  • pbstrPresentityURI
    [in] BSTR containing the presentity URI. The caller is responsible for freeing this memory with SysFreeString.

Return Values

RTC methods may return an RTC_E_ constant.

Value Meaning
E_FAIL A watcher already exists with this presentity URI.


Client: Requires Windows XP.
Server: Requires Windows Server 2003.
Redistributable: Requires Rtcdll.dll on Windows 2000, and Windows Me/98.
Header: Declared in Rtccore.h.
Library: Included as a resource in Rtcdll.dll.
GUID: IID_IRTCWatcher is defined as c7cedad8-346b-4d1b-ac02-a2088df9be4f.

See Also

IRTCWatcher, IRTCWatcher::get_PresentityURI