Session Forward

The following code example demonstrates how to forward an incoming session to another endpoint. The operations in the Initialize RTC and Create a Session and Make a Call code examples must be performed before using this example.

Note  This example does not contain error checking or releases appropriate for real code.

C++ Code Example

// Declare the forwarding URI.
BSTR bstrForwardURI = SysAllocString(L"");

// Call the Forward method under the IRTCSessionCallControl 
// interface with the forwarding URI. The call must be 
// in the incoming state (RTCSS_INCOMING) to call the
// Forward method.
hr = pIRTCSessionCallControl->Forward(bstrForwardURI);

// If (hr != S_OK), process the error here.

// When the call forward succeeds, the IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent
// is fired with an RTCSS_DISCONNECTED session state. 
// The IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent is fired on the caller side with an 
// RTCSS_DISCONNECTED session state and a 302 status code (REDIRECT) 
// if the session was created with the RTCSS_FAIL_ON_REDIRECT
// option. Otherwise, the call to Forward is handled directly by the 
// RTC Client API. 

Visual Basic Code Example

' Set the error handling routine here. 
' On Error GoTo MyErrorRoutine 

' Declare the Forwarding URI;
' for example, "".
Dim strForwardURI As String    

' Call the Forward method under the IRTCSessionCallControl
' interface with the forwarding URI. The call must be 
' the incoming state to forward it. 
objSessionCallControl.Forward strForwardURI

' When the call forward succeeds, the IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent
' is fired with an RTCSS_DISCONNECTED session state. 
' The IRTCSessionStateChangeEvent is fired on the caller side with an 
' RTCSS_DISCONNECTED session state and a 302 status code (REDIRECT) 
' if the session was created with the RTCSS_FAIL_ON_REDIRECT
' option. Otherwise, the call to ForwardURI is handled directly by the 
' RTC Client API.