ListDataSet Class

Creates a collection of data that can change and be manipulated. This class wraps an IList and sends notifications when its contents have changed.

  public class ListDataSet : ModelItem, System.Collections.IList, System.Collections.ICollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable

Public Instance Constructors

Constructor Description
ListDataSet(IList) Initializes a new instance of the ListDataSet class.
ListDataSet(IModelItemOwner, IList) Initializes a new instance of the ListDataSet class.

Protected Instance Constructors

Constructor Description
ListDataSet() Initializes a new instance of the ListDataSet class.

Public Instance Methods

Method Description
Add Adds an item to the end of the ListDataSet.
Clear Clears all ListDataSet entries.
Contains Determines whether a given item is in the ListDataSet.
CopyFrom Copies the contents of an IEnumerable object into this ListDataSet.
CopyTo Copies the contents of this ListDataSet to an array.
GetEnumerator Retrieves an IEnumerator object for this ListDataSet.
IndexOf Returns the index of a specific item in the ListDataSet.
Insert Inserts an item into the ListDataSet.
Move Moves an item to a different location within the ListDataSet.
Remove Removes the specified item from the ListDataSet.
RemoveAt Removes an item at a specified index from the ListDataSet.
Sort Sorts the ListDataSet.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
Count Gets the number of items in the ListDataSet.
IsFixedSize Gets a value that indicates whether the ListDataSet has a fixed size.
IsReadOnly Gets a value that indicates whether the ListDataSet is read-only.
IsSynchronized Gets a value that indicates whether the ListDataSet is thread-safe.
Item Gets or sets an item in the ListDataSet.
Source Gets or sets the list that is used to populate the ListDataSet.
SyncRoot Gets the object to use to synchronize access to the current ListDataSet.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.dll

Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also