IiTvDataAttribute::Deserialize Method

The Deserialize method starts the deserialization process, but does not return a value. This method should be called first. This method reflects the minimum and maximum attribute length.


  HRESULT Deserialize(
  BYTE*  pSerializedAttr,
  DWORD  dwLength



[in] Pointer to an attributes object. This is typically the pointer, passed into the IiTvDataReceiver::Receive method as the pAttributes parameter.


[in] Double word containing the length. This is typically the attribute length, passed into the IiTvDataReceiver::Receive method as the dwAttributesLength parameter.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


This reflects the minimum and maximum attribute length.


Header: TVVMData.idl

Platform: Windows 7

See Also