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IMediaCenterInputModule::get_KeyMap Method

Gets an IMediaCenterInputKeyMap interface that describes the appearance of the on-screen keypad to be used with this IME module. The shell calls this method.

Note   This method has been deprecated.


  HRESULT get_KeyMap(
  IMediaCenterInputKeyMap**  ppKeyMap



[out] Pointer to a pointer to an implementation of the IMediaCenterInputKeyMap interface.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The IMediaCenterInputKeyMap interface can describe more than one on-screen appearance. You can use this capability with IME modules that support more than one input mode and, subsequently, more than one set of keycaps.


Header: ehinputmodule.idl

Platform: Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 through Windows Vista

See Also