BillAcceptor Class (POS for .NET v1.12 SDK Documentation)


Defines the programmatic interface for a UPOS Bill Acceptor device.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService (in microsoft.pointofservice.dll)


Public MustInherit Class BillAcceptor
    Inherits PosCommon
public abstract class BillAcceptor : PosCommon
public ref class BillAcceptor abstract : public PosCommon
public abstract class BillAcceptor extends PosCommon
public abstract class BillAcceptor extends PosCommon



The Bill Acceptor has the following capabilities:

  • Reports the cash units and corresponding unit counts available in the Bill Acceptor.

  • Reports jam conditions within the device.

  • Supports more than one currency.

The Bill Acceptor may also have the following additional capabilities:

  • Reports the levels of the Bill Acceptor’s cash units. Conditions which may be indicated include full and almost full states.

  • Reports a possible (or probable) cash count discrepancy in the data reported by the ReadCashCounts method.

  • The money (bills which are deposited into the device between the start and end of cash acceptance) is reported to the application. The contents of the report are cash units and cash counts.

General Model

The general model of a Bill Acceptor is as follows:

  • Supports several bill denominations. The supported cash type for a particular currency is noted by the list of cash units in the DepositCashList property.

  • Consists of any combination of features to help generate the cash processing functions such as a cash entry holding bin, a number of slots or bins which can hold the cash, and cash exits.

  • Controls the removal of cash from the device (for example, to empty deposited cash) by the AdjustCashCounts method, unless the device can determine how much cash on its own. The application can call the ReadCashCounts method to retrieve the current unit count for each cash unit.

  • Sets the cash slot (or cash bin) conditions in the FullStatus property to show full and almost full status. If there are one or more full cash slots, FullStatus has the Full value.

  • Starts cash acceptance into the "cash acceptance mechanism" by invoking the BeginDeposit method. The previous values of the properties DepositCounts and DepositAmount are initialized to zero.

The total amount of cash put into the device continues to be accumulated until either the FixDeposit method or the PauseDeposit method is executed. When theFixDeposit method is executed, the total amount of accumulated cash is stored in the DepositCounts and DepositAmount properties. If the PauseDeposit method is executed with a parameter value of Pause, the counting of the deposited cash is suspended, and the current amount of accumulated cash is also updated to the DepositCounts and DepositAmount properties. When PauseDeposit method is executed with a parameter value of Restart, counting of deposited cash is resumed and added to the accumulated totals. When the FixDeposit method is executed, the current amount of accumulated cash is updated in the DepositCounts and DepositAmount properties, and the process remains static until the EndDeposit method is invoked by using a Complete value to complete the deposit.

  • When the ClearInput method is executed, the queued DataEvent event associated with the receipt of cash is cleared. The DepositCounts and DepositAmount properties remain set and are not cleared.

Device Sharing

The Bill Acceptor is an exclusive-use device, as follows:

  • The application must claim the device before the application enables it.

  • The application must claim and enable the device before accessing some properties, dispensing, collecting, or receiving events.


The BillAcceptor class requires POS for .NET version 1.11 or later versions.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also


BillAcceptor Members
Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace