ElectronicValueRW Class (POS for .NET v1.12 SDK Documentation)


Defines the programmatic interface for an Electronic Value Reader/Writer (R/W) device.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService (in microsoft.pointofservice.dll)


Public MustInherit Class ElectronicValueRW
    Inherits PosCommon
public abstract class ElectronicValueRW : PosCommon
public ref class ElectronicValueRW abstract : public PosCommon
public abstract class ElectronicValueRW extends PosCommon
public abstract class ElectronicValueRW extends PosCommon


Electronic Value is defined as a collection of services such as electronic money, points, and voucher/ticket, maintained on a contact-less or contact IC card (this is referred to as "card" in the following sections). The Electronic Value R/W device is a device that can hold the settlement addition, subtraction, setting, and reading electronically.

The electronic money service supports the postpaid type electronic money settlement, prepaid type electronic money settlement, the credit card settlement, and the debit card settlement.

The point service maintains (can add or subtract) points directly on the card. Alternatively, the points may be stored in another location and only a reference is maintained on the card.

The voucher/ticket service maintains two or more identifiers that validate the card holder. The card holder can receive and exchange the value at any time. The service provider can provide value to the card holder at its discretion.

Required Version

The ElectronicValueRW class requires POS for .NET version 1.12 or later versions.


The Electronic Value R/W has the following set of capabilities:

  • Access the card for the settlement.

  • Read/write the content of Electronic Value that can be used for the settlement from the card.

  • Execute the settlement service that uses Electronic Value.

  • Accumulate the result of the settlement in the device as a log.

General Model

Device Sharing

The Electronic Value Reader / Writer is an exclusive-use device, as follows:

  • The application must claim the device before the application enables it.

  • The application must claim and enable the device before the application calls methods that manipulate the device.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also


ElectronicValueRW Members
Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace