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Windows CE 5.0 Not SupportedWindows Embedded NavReady 2009 Supported


This method prepares a simple response message that will be sent to the MSN Direct receiver that provides feedback about an incoming message that was accepted from the receiver.

This method is called by the ProcessInMessageFromReceiver method to prepare a response message about the incoming message being processed.


void PrepareSimpleResponseMessage(
  GenericHostMsg *response,
  unsigned char TransactionId,
  unsigned short AppType,
  BYTE ErrorCode


  • response
    [in] GenericHostMsg object that represents the response message to prepare and to send to the MSN Direct receiver.
  • TransactionId
    [in] Indicates the transaction ID of the received message, which is written in the response message to the MSN Direct receiver.

    This value can be obtained by using a GetTransactionID method on the appropriate message class.

  • AppType
    [in] Describes the type of MSN Direct service of the received message, which is written in the response to the MSN Direct receiver.

    If the ErrorCode parameter is not a Success error code, the AppType parameter should be set to 0.

    For possible values, see MSN Direct Service Type Constants.

  • ErrorCode
    [in] Indicates the error code that the Windows Embedded CE powered device writes in its response to the MSN Direct receiver.

    For possible values, see MSN Direct Error Code Constants.

Return Value



This method prepares the response message by typecasting the provided GenericHostMsg object to a SimpleHostMsg class object. It then uses the SimpleHostMsg methods to fill in the required fields of that object.


Header DBR701.h
Library DBRLib.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0, Windows Embedded NavReady 2009

See Also


DBR701 Class
MSN Direct Services Classes