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Tap Command-Line Options (Standard 7 SP1)


Target Analyzer Probe (Tap.exe) is a command-line tool you can use to produce a comprehensive listing of hardware on your device.

Tap.exe runs on Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, Windows PE, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.


If you run Tap.exe from Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.0 , it's possible that some devices may not be detected. If you run Tap.exe from Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP, Tap.exe will detect all devices, but may also detect devices, such as USB drives, that don't need drivers.

Where to Find Tap.exe

In a typical installation of Windows Embedded Standard 7, Tap.exe can be found at the following locations:

C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 7\Tools\IBW\AMD64\sources\

C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 7\Tools\IBW\x86\sources\

Tap.exe Command-Line Options

The following command-line options are available for Tap.exe:

Tap.exe*[/o <Output Filename][/r <Registry Path>][/q][/?]*

For example, to produce a comprehensive listing of hardware on your device to be named MyDevice.pmq, you would use the following command:

Tap.exe /o MyDevice

Description of options




Specifies the file name of the output file.

The default name of the output file is devices.pmq.
All output files must have the .pmq file extension. If the .pmq file extension is not present, it will be appended to the end of the file name you provide.


Changes the registry path.

The default registry path is the CurrentControlSet.


Ignores SW enumerated devices.


Runs Tap.exe in quiet mode.


Displays all optional switches for Tap.exe.

See Also

Other Resources

Command-Line Tools Technical Reference