WlanRegisterNotification (Compact 7)


This function is used to register and unregister notifications on all wireless interfaces.


DWORD WINAPI WlanRegisterNotification(
  __in        HANDLE hClientHandle,
  __in        DWORD dwNotifSource,
  __in        BOOL bIgnoreDuplicate,
  __in_opt    WLAN_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK  funcCallback,
  __in_opt    PVOID pCallbackContext,
  __reserved  PVOID pReserved,
  __out_opt   PDWORD pdwPrevNotifSource


  • hClientHandle
    The client's session handle, obtained by a previous call to the WlanOpenHandle function.
  • dwNotifSource
    The notification sources to be registered. These flags can be combined. When this parameter is set to WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_NONE, WlanRegisterNotification unregisters notifications on all wireless interfaces.

    The following table shows possible values:

    Value Meaning


    Unregisters notifications


    Registers for all notifications, including those generated by the 802.1X module


    Registers for notifications generated by the auto configuration module


    Registers for notifications generated by MSM


    Registers for notifications generated by the security module


    Registers for notifications generated by independent hardware vendors (IHV)

  • bIgnoreDuplicate
    Specifies whether duplicate notifications will be ignored. If set to TRUE, a notification is not sent to the client if the notification is identical to the previous one.
  • pReserved
    Reserved; set to NULL.
  • pdwPrevNotifSource
    Pointer to the previously registered notification sources.

Return Values

Value Description


The function succeeds.


hClientHandle is NULL or invalid or pReserved is not NULL.


The handle hClientHandle was not found in the handle table.


Various error codes.


Could not allocate memory for the query results.


The API returns an error if dwNotifSource is a value other than WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_NONE and the client does not provide a callback function.

As soon as it is registered, the callback function will be called whenever a notification is available until the client unregisters or closes the handle.

If the client is in the middle of a notification callback when WlanRegisterNotification is called by using dwNotifSource set to WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_NONE (that is, when the client is unregistering from notifications), WlanRegisterNotification will wait for the callback to finish before it returns a value. Calling this function inside a callback function will result in the call never completing. If both the callback function and the thread that unregisters from notifications try to obtain the same lock, a deadlock may occur.

An application can time-out and query the current interface state instead of waiting for a notification.

See Also


Native Wi-Fi Functions
Native Wi-Fi Reference