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Middle East, South East and South Asian Supplemental Fonts (Standard 8 Module Reference)


Review the settings, dependencies and any notes for the Middle East, South East and South Asian Supplemental Fonts module in the Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8) module catalog.

This module provides Middle East, South East and South Asian supplemental fonts, such as Aharoni Bold, Aldhabi Regular, Andalus Regular, Angsana New, AngsanaUPC, Aparajita, Arabic Typesetting Regular, Browallia New, BrowalliaUPC, Cordia New, CordiaUPC, DaunPenh Regular, David, DilleniaUPC, DokChampa Regular, EucrosiaUPC, FrankRuehl Regular, FreesiaUPC, IrisUPC, JasmineUPC, KodchiangUPC, Kokila, Levenim MT, LilyUPC, Miriam, Myanmar Text Regular, Narkisim Regular, Nirmala UI, Rod Regular, Sakka Majalla, Sakkal Majalla, Shonar Bangla, Simplified Arabic, Traditional Arabic, Urdu Typesetting Regular, Utsaah and Vani.


Middle East, South East and South Asian Supplemental Fonts


Language modules\Tools, Additional Fonts and Natural Language Support\Additional Fonts

Supported Architecture

x86, x64



Dependencies for x86-Based Devices

When you include this module in your image, any modules that are required are automatically added to your image. To add specific functionality, you can add optional modules.

Required Module


Dependencies for x64-Based Devices

When you include this module in your image, any modules that are required are automatically added to your image. To add specific functionality, you can add optional modules.

Required Module


Common Uses

None defined.



See Also


Digital Signage Template
Retail Template
Thin Client Template


Additional Fonts