
Specifies whether the IHV driver partially supports AOAC. If enabled Wi-Fi assumes support for D0-D2 transitioning.

Partners can use the LowPowerSupported and AlwaysOnAlwaysConnected settings to modify always-on-always-connected (AOAC) behavior and UX. The device’s supported AOAC mode is determined by a combination of the chipset, IHV driver, and the LowPowerSupported setting.

LowPowerSupported specifies that the IHV driver partially supports AOAC. This setting must only be used if the IHV driver supports a transition from the D0 state to the D2 state and certain low power features.


To specify whether the Wi-Fi driver supports transitions from the D0 state to the D2 state and the required low power features, set LowPowerSupported to one of the following values:

Value Description

0 or 'Disabled'

IHV driver does not support transitions from the D0 state to the D2 state and the required low power features.

1 or 'Enabled'

IHV driver supports transitions from the D0 state to the D2 state and the required low power features.


Applies to

Edition x86-based devices x64-based devices ARM-based devices
Windows 10 Mobile







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