RMS Directory Services Database

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

The database server hosts the directory services database, which contains information about users, identifiers (such as e-mail addresses), security ID (SID), group membership, and alternate identifiers. This information is obtained from LDAP queries that are made to the Active Directory global catalog by the RMS Licensing service. For more information about this process and its purpose, see "RMS Active Directory Cache" later in this subject.

The RMS service group has Execute permissions on the stored procedures that are in the directory services database.

The following table lists the Active Directory attributes that are stored in the directory services database tables.

Table Attribute


  • GroupName: the alias for the group

  • GroupID: the unique ID for this group


  • GroupDN: the Active Directory distinguished name for this group

  • GroupID: the unique ID for this group

  • Expiration: the date and time that the information that is stored for this group expires


  • GroupID: the unique ID for this group

  • ParentID: the unique ID for group of which this group is a member


  • PrincipalName: an alias name for the principal

  • PrincipalID: the unique ID for this principal


  • PrincipalID: the unique ID for this principal

  • Expiration: the date and time that the information that is stored for this principal expires


Each row of this table includes the unique ID of a principal and the unique ID of group that is a member of it.

  • PrincipalID: the unique ID for this principal

  • ParentID: the unique ID of a group of which this principal is a member