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IKinectSensor Interface

Represents a Kinect sensor device.


interface IKinectSensor : public IUnknown


IKinectSensor has the following members.


Name Description
Close Gracefully cleans up running streams.
get_AudioSource Gets the audio source.
get_BodyFrameSource Gets the body source.
get_BodyIndexFrameSource Gets the body index source.
get_ColorFrameSource Gets the color source.
get_CoordinateMapper Gets the coordinate mapper.
get_DepthFrameSource Gets the depth source.
get_InfraredFrameSource Gets the infrared source.
get_IsAvailable Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the Kinect sensor is available.
get_IsOpen Gets a boolean value that indicates whether the Kinect sensor has any open streams.
get_KinectCapabilities Gets the capabilities of the Kinect sensor.
get_LongExposureInfraredFrameSource Gets the long exposure infrared frame source.
get_UniqueKinectId Gets the unique ID of the Kinect sensor.
GetIsAvailableChangedEventData Gets the event data when when the availability of the Kinect sensor changes.
Open Starts streaming data from the Kinect using a specified access mode.
OpenMultiSourceFrameReader Opens a new stream reader.
SubscribeIsAvailableChanged Subscribes an event handler that is raised when the availability of the Kinect Sensor changes.
UnsubscribeIsAvailableChanged Unsubscribes an event handler that is raised when the availability of the Kinect Sensor changes.


Header: kinect.h

Library: kinect20.lib