Microsoft.Kinect.Xaml.Controls Namespace

Provides APIs that support XAML controls for Kinect.


Name Description
KinectRegion Represents a XAML control which provides a Kinect hand cursor and interactivity with elements contained within the KinectRegion.
KinectSoundDefinition Specifies the sounds to be used for Kinect XAML controls.
KinectUserViewer Represents a XAML control that displays a body and hand that is currently tracked by the Kinect sensor.
SpriteSheet Represents a sprite sheet user control


Name Description
IKinectControl The interface implemented by Kinect controls.
IKinectController The interface implemented by a Kinect controller.
IKinectManipulatableController The interface implemented by a manipulatable Kinect control.
IKinectPressableController The interface implemented by a pressable Kinect control.


Name Description
ManipulationProgress Represents the progress of a manipulation.