Visual Gesture Builder Timeline

Describes the Timeline and Output panes.

  • Timeline Pane
  • Output Pane
  • Keyboard Shortcuts

Timeline Pane

Use the timeline to perform time tagging of clips.


The title of the Timeline pane changes based on the currently selected tag.

Tagging Clips

For machine learning algorithms to train on clips, they must be tagged in some manner. Different machine language algorithms accept different types of tagging but, for a specific frame, some metadata representing the intended gesture is encoded. The following are the allowed tagging types.

  1. In projects using AdaBoostTrigger, mark the range of frames where the gesture takes place. For each part of the clip, set the gesture tag boolean value to either true or false.
  2. In projects using RFRProgress, mark key frames where the gesture takes place. For each part of the clip, set the gesture tag float value to a value that is indicative of the progress over the span of the gesture.

Figure 1.  Tagging Clips

The following is an example of steps that you can perform to generate training data.

  1. Click on one of the files. You are presented with the file view.
  2. Scroll and select a represented frame.
  3. Add new metadata.
  4. Repeat the previous steps as many times as needed.

Output Pane

This pane displays status and error messages. You can use the results of application operations that are displayed here for debugging purposes.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available to expedite tagging gestures in VGB.

Keyboard Shortcut Description
LEFT Arrow Move the position marker to the previous frame.
RIGHT Arrow Move the position marker to the next frame.
CTRL + LEFT Move the position marker to the previous key frame.
CTRL + RIGHT Move the position marker to the next key frame.
PAGEUP Load the tags for the previous gesture listed in the Tags pane.
PAGEDOWN Load the tags for the next gesture listed in the Tags pane.
Shift + HOME Select all frames to the left of the position marker to the start of the file.
Shift + END Select all frames to the right of the position marker to the end of the file.
Shift + LEFT Select the frames to the left of the position marker.
Shift + RIGHT Select the frames to the right of the position marker.
CTRL + Shift + LEFT Select all frames left of the position marker to the previous key frame.
CTRL + Shift + RIGHT Select all frames right of the position marker to the next key frame.
UP Increase the value of the selected tag.
DOWN Decrease the value of the selected tag.
Delete Delete the value of the selected tag.
CTRL + Delete Delete the selected key frame.
Enter Set the tag to the default maximum value (true for discrete gesture types, 1 for continuous gesture types).
Space Set the tag to the default minimum value (false for discrete gesture types, 0 for continuous gesture types).
CTRL + Z Undo last tag change.
CTRL + Y Redo a previously undone tag.

See also

Visual Gesture Builder user interface