Notification Hubs


Check Notification Hub Availability

Checks the availability of the given notificationHub in a namespace.

Create Or Update

Creates/Update a NotificationHub in a namespace.

Create Or Update Authorization Rule

Creates/Updates an authorization rule for a NotificationHub

Debug Send

Test send a push notification.


Deletes a notification hub associated with a namespace.

Delete Authorization Rule

Deletes a notificationHub authorization rule


Gets the notification hub.

Get Authorization Rule

Gets an authorization rule for a NotificationHub by name.

Get Pns Credentials

Lists the PNS Credentials associated with a notification hub.


Lists the notification hubs associated with a namespace.

List Authorization Rules

Gets the authorization rules for a NotificationHub.

List Keys

Gets the Primary and Secondary ConnectionStrings to the NotificationHub

Regenerate Keys

Regenerates the Primary/Secondary Keys to the NotificationHub Authorization Rule


Patch a NotificationHub in a namespace.