Azure spending


Cancel an Azure entitlement

Cancels the azure entitlement of a subscription for the given customer.

Create a product upgrade entity for a customer

Creates a product upgrade entity to upgrade the customer from legacy azure subscriptions to azure plans.

Get a customer's usage spending budget

Retrieves the budget set for a given customer.

Get a list of Azure entitlements for a subscription

Retrieves the list of entitlements of a subscription identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get all customer usage records for a partner

Retrieves the usage records for all customers.

Get all subscription usage records for customer

Retrieves the monthly Azure resource usage records of a subscription.

Get an Azure entitlement for a subscription

Gets the entitlement of the subscription identifier for the given customer.

Get customer usage summary

Retrieves the usage summary for a customer.

Get eligibility for product upgrade

Retrieves the eligibility for product upgrades.

Get meter usage record resources

Get meter usage record resources.

Get partner usage summary

Retrieves the usage summary of a partner.

Get product upgrade status for a customer from legacy azure subscriptions to azure plans

Retrieves the status of product upgrade operation for the customer from legacy azure subscriptions to azure plans.

Get resource usage record resources

Get resource usage record resources.

Get subscription usage records for a customer

Retrieves usage records for all the subscriptions of a given customer for the current billing period.

Get the product upgrade status for a customer

Retrieves the status of product upgrade operation for the customer from legacy azure subscriptions to azure plans.

Get usage summary for customer's subscription

Retrieves the usage summary for all resources in a given customer's subscription for the current billing period.

Reactivate an Azure entitlement

Reactivates the azure entitlement of a subscription for the given customer.

Set customer usage budget

Updates the budget set for a given customer.