Manage orders


Accept a transfer of subscriptions for a customer

accepts an existing transfer request.

Activate a sandbox subscription for commercial marketplace SaaS products to enable billing

Activates 3rd Party MCAPI SaaS Subscriptions.

Cancel the New-Commerce migration for the specified ID

Cancels the New-Commerce migration schedule.

Check Inventory

Retrieves inventory validation results for the provided country.

Check out an existing cart

Checks out an existing cart.

Convert a trial subscription to paid

Converts a trial subscription to the target conversion.

Create a a New-Commerce migration

Creates and starts processing a New-Commerce migration entity.

Create a New-Commerce migration schedule

Schedules a New-Commerce migration.

Create a new cart

Creates a new cart.

Create a new order

Creates a new order.

Create a transfer

Creates a new transfer entity.

Create a transition for a subscription

Post the transition request for a subscription.

Get a availability by ID (by country)

Retrieves an availability for the requested context.

Get a cart by ID

Gets a specific cart using a ID.

Get activation link by order line item

Gets the activation links from the specific line item of the order.

Get activation links for an order

Gets the collection of activation links for an order.

Get a customer's subscriptions transfer eligibility

Gets the collection of transfer eligibility for a customer.

Get a customer's transfers

Gets all transfer entities for a given customer.

Get add-ons for an offer ID

Retrieves all add-on offers of an offer using country and locale information.

Get add-ons for an offer ID (by customer)

Retrieves the addons under the provided offer that are available for the customer to purchase.

Get a list of add-ons for a subscription

Retrieves all add-on subscriptions of a subscription for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get a list of all availabilities for a SKU (by customer)

Retrieves all availabilities for the requested context.

Get a list of availabilities for a SKU (by country)

Retrieves all availabilities for the requested context.

Get a list of offer categories by market

Gets all offer categories for a customer.

Get a list of offers for a market

Retrieves all offers of a partner using country and locale information.

Get a list of offers for a market (by customer)

Retrieves all offers of a partner using customer id.

Get a list of products (by country)

Retrieves all products using country and locale information.

Get a list of products (by customer)

Retrieves all products using country and locale information.

Get a list of Skus (by country)

Retrieves all skus for the given product id.

Get a list of SKUs for a product (by customer)

Retrieves all skus for the given product id.

Get a list of trial conversion offers

Gets the target conversions for a trial subscription.

Get an availability for a SKU (by customer)

Retrieves an availability for the requested customer context.

Get a New-Commerce migration by ID

Gets a New-Commerce migration entity.

Get a New-Commerce migration schedule by ID

Gets a New-Commerce migration schedule entity.

Get an order by ID

Gets a specific order using a ID.

Get a product by ID

Retrieves a product by its identifier using country and locale information.

Get a product by ID (by customer)

Retrieves a product by its identifier using country and locale information.

Get a provisioning status for an order

Gets a collection of order line item provisioning status for an order.

Get a SKU by ID

Retrieves the sku for the given product id and sku id.

Get a SKU by ID (by customer)

Retrieves the sku for the given product id and sku id.

Get customer's subscriptions

Retrieves all subscriptions for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get Offer by ID

Retrieves an offer by its identifier of a partner using country and locale information.

Get orders for a customer and an indirect reseller partner

Gets a collection of order for specified customer and an indirect reseller partner.

Get promotion eligibilities

Gets the promotion eligibilities based on the passed promotion eligibility request items.

Gets a list of product promotions.

Gets partner's available promotions.

Gets a product promotion by id.

Gets promotion details by id.

Get subscription's transaction history

Retrieves subscription's transaction history by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get subscription activation links

Get subscription activation links.

Get subscription by ID

Retrieves a subscription by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get subscription provisioning status

Get subscription provisioning status.

Get subscription registration status

Retrieves a subscription registration status by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Get the collection of migration events associated to a New-Commerce migration ID or subscription ID

Gets the collection of migration events associated to a New-Commerce migration ID or subscription ID.

Get the list of New-Commerce migrations

Gets the list of New Commerce migrations.

Get the list of New Commerce migration schedules

Gets the list of New Commerce migration schedules.

Get transfer details by ID

Gets a specific transfer entity using a ID.

Get transition eligibilities for a subscription.

Gets the transition eligibilities for a subscription.

Get transition history events for a subscription

Get the transition history events for a subscription.

Get upgrades for a subscription

Gets the upgrades for a subscription.

Perform a subscription upgrade

Performs a subscription upgrade.

Register a subscription

Register an existing subscription for RI purchase.

Update a New-Commerce migration schedule

Updates a New-Commerce migration schedule entity.

Update an existing cart

Updates an existing cart.

Update an existing order

Updates an existing order.

Update an existing transfer

Updates an existing transfer.

Update subscription by ID

Updates a subscription by identifier for the customer of a partner by their active directory tenant identifier.

Validate a New-Commerce migration

Validates the New-Commerce eligibilities for a subscription.

Withdraw a transfer

Deletes an existing transfer.