Create or Update Entity

Creates or updates a messaging entity.


Method Request URI HTTP Version
PUT https://{serviceNamespace}{Entity Path} HTTP/1.1

The entity path can be a multi-segment name, with segments separated by '/'. The entirety of the path makes up the name of the entities. Multiple entities can share the same prefix segments.

Request Headers

The following table describes required and optional request headers.

Request Header Description
Authorization Specifies a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token with "Manage" rights. See Service Bus authentication with Shared Access Signatures for details.
Content-Type Set to application/atom+xml;type=entry;charset=utf-8.
If-Match Set this header to “*” to update the entity. You must provide all the property values that are desired on the updated entity. Any values not provided are set to the service default values. If this header is missing, the update call returns an error indicating that this entity already exists.

Request Body

The body of the request must contain a valid Atom XML entry that embeds the description of the entity that shall be created

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
<entry xmlns=''>  
  <content type='application/xml'>  

Whereby the {description} described either a Queue or a Topic for top-level entities, or a subscription or rule relative to their parent entities.

A queue, for instance, is described with a QueueDescription element. The XML payload for creating or updating a queue therefore might take the following form, whereby all omitted properties assume their default values:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>  
<entry xmlns="">  
  <content type="application/xml">  
    <QueueDescription xmlns="">

See the Overview for more details on entities and how they relate to paths.


The response includes an HTTP status code and a set of response headers.

Response Codes


If you update an entity with a name containing special or encoded characters (for example, "test?Name=value&"), which gets encoded to "test%3FName%3Dvalue%26"), a (401) unauthorized exception will be generated.

Code Description
201 Entity updated.
400 Invalid request body.
401 Authorization failure.
403 Quota exceeded; entity not updated.
500 Internal error.

For information about status codes, see Status and Error Codes.

Response Headers


Response Body

The entity description is returned. Some description properties might contain default values if they were missing from the PUT request.