Send an SMS Message Quickstart

For full instructions on how to build this code sample from scratch, look at Quickstart: Send an SMS Message


Code Structure

  • ./SendSMS/Program.cs: Core application code with send SMS implementation.
  • ./SendSMS/SendSMS.csproj: Project configuration file.
  • ./Samples.sln: Visual Studio solution.

Before running sample code

  1. Open an instance of PowerShell, Windows Terminal, Command Prompt or equivalent and navigate to the directory that you'd like to clone the sample to.
  2. git clone
  3. With the Connection String procured in pre-requisites, add it to the SendSMS/program.cs file. Assign your connection string in line 3: const string connectionString = "YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING";
  4. With the SMS enabled telephone number procured in pre-requisites, add it to the SendSMS/program.cs file. Assign your telephone number in line 13: from: new PhoneNumber("+1YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER"),

Run Locally

  1. Open SendSMS.sln
  2. Run the SendSMS project