Azure Management Libraries for .NET for Azure Cosmos DB

The Azure Management Libraries for .NET for Azure Cosmos DB is a object-oriented API for managing Azure Cosmos DB resources via it's Resource Provider. The library is auto-generated against the Swagger spec for the Cosmos DB Resource Provider.


Outline the file contents of the repository. It helps users navigate the codebase, build configuration and any related assets.

File/folder Description
cosmos-management-generated Cosmos DB generated management samples.




To get started you will need to generate a service principal in Azure. Add the required information needed in appSettings.json, or authenticate using MSI with the proper RBAC on the Cosmos resources to manage and modify the authentication in the samples.

To generate the service principal with the correct permissions, use this sample azure cli script below. You can define the scope for this service principal at the subscription or resource group level.

let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"  
subscriptionID=$(az account show --query id -o tsv)
# Verify the ID of the active subscription if not use `az account set -s [subscriptionId}]`
echo "Using subscription ID $subscriptionID"

echo "Creating SP for RBAC with name $servicePrincipalName, with role $roleName and in scopes /subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup"

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $servicePrincipalName --role $roleName --scopes /subscriptions/$subscriptionID/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup

Save the output in a secure location.

Running the sample

Set the start up project, ensure you have your service principal credentials as outlined above. To learn more see, Authentication in Azure Management Libraries for .NET. Please note these instructions are out of date. Example above is latest guidance.

Key concepts

These samples demonstrate how to manage Cosmos DB resources through it's Control Plane (Resource Provider). You cannot do any database CRUD operations using these samples


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