Using MIP SDK with ASP.NET to Label Files on Download


This sample is intended to demonstrate the ease of integrating the MIP SDK with custom applications, as well to demonstrate the experience one might find in a line-of-business or SaaS application. A user simply works as they've always worked, downloading some set of data to an Excel sheet. In this case, the file is labeled and protected on download, transparent to the end user. This allows organizations to allow their teams to work in familiar ways while still maintaining the security of sensitive information once extracted from controlled environments.

The ASP.NET web application displays a set of data in a GridView then allows the user to select an MIP label. After selecting a label, the user may click Download to get a copy of the data in Excel format. The downloaded file will have the selected MIP label applied.

Authentication in the sample is implemented via bearer token and an on-behalf-of flow, as detailed here.

  • Users authenticate to the ASP.NET web application
  • The application stores their JSON web token.
  • The service, using certificate based auth, obtains a new token, on behalf of the user, for use against the backend policy and protection services.

The sample has already implemented all of the UI and MIP SDK specific controls. While going through the sample, you'll perform the following tasks:

  • Register the application in Azure Active Directory and configure certificate based authentication
  • Update the web.config authentication settings
  • Configure the MIP SDK binaries (This will move to NuGet soon)

At the end of the sample, you'll be able to run the web application, authenticate, view labels available to the user, and download an Excel file with the selected label applied.

Getting Started

The application leverages an on-behalf-of authentication flow. The service will authenticate as the user to the backend services, meaning the labels and protection actions will be performed in the context of the user.


Clone the Repository

  1. Open a command prompt
  2. Create a new folder mkdir c:\samples
  3. Navigate to the new folder using cd c:\samples
  4. Clone the repository by running git clone
  5. In explorer, navigate to c:\samples\MipSdk-FileApi-DotNet-OnBehalfOf and open the MipSdk-FileApi-DotNet-OnBehalfOf.sln in Visual Studio 2017.

Add the NuGet Package

  1. In Visual Studio, right click the MipSdkFileApiDotNet project.
  2. Click Manage NuGet Packages
  3. In the Browse tab, search for Microsoft.InformationProtection.File and install.


To enable the ASP.NET application to authenticate to Azure AD on behalf of the user, the following will be performed:

  • Generate an X509 certificate
  • Create an Application Registration in Azure AD
  • Update the App Registration settings to allow access to the Azure RMS and Microsoft Information Protection Sync Service APIs
  • Update the App Registration to accept certificate-based authentication

App Registration

To allow clients to authenticate against the web application, as well as to enable the web application to connect on behalf of clients, a new application registration must be configured in the Azure AD management portal.

Create an Azure AD App Registration

Authentication against the Azure AD tenant requires creating a native application registration. The client ID created in this step is used in a later step to generate an OAuth2 token.

Skip this step if you've already created a registration for previous sample. You may continue to use that client ID.

  1. Go to and log in as a global admin.

Your tenant may permit standard users to register applications. If you aren't a global admin, you can attempt these steps, but may need to work with a tenant administrator to have an application registered or be granted access to register applications. 2. Click Azure Active Directory, then App Registrations in the menu blade. 3. Click New Registration 4. Under Supported account types select Accounts in this directory only 5. Under Redirect URI select Public client 6. For Redirect URI, enter mipsdk-auth-sample://authorize
Note: This can be anything you'd like. 8. Click Register

The registered app should now be displayed.

Add API Permissions

  1. Select API permissions.
  2. Select Add a permission.
  3. Select Microsoft APIs.
  4. Select Azure Rights Management Services.
  5. Select Delegated Permissions and then user_impersonation.
  6. Select Add permissions.
  7. Again, Select Add a permission.
  8. Select APIs my organization uses.
  9. In the search box, type Microsoft Information Protection Sync Service then select the service.
  10. Select Delegated permissions.
  11. Check UnifiedPolicy.User.Read.
  12. Select Add permissions.
  13. In the API permissions blade, Select Grant admin consent for and confirm.

Set Redirect URI and Implicit Grant

  1. Select Authentication.
  2. Select Add a platform.
  3. Select Web
  4. Enter https://localhost:44376/
  5. Select configure.
  6. Check ID Tokens under the Implicit grant section.
  7. Save changes.

Generate a client secret

If you'd prefer to use certificate based auth, skip ahead to Generate a client certificate.

  1. In the Azure AD application regisration menu, find the application you registered.
  2. Select Certificates and secrets.
  3. Click New client secret.
  4. For the description, enter "MIP SDK Test App".
  5. Select In 1 year for expiration

This can be 1 year, 2 years, or never. 6. Click Add.

The secret will be displayed in the portal. Copy the secret now, as it will disappear after page refresh.

Storing client secrets in plaintext isn't a best practice

Generate a client certificate

This step generates a self-signed certificate, writes the thumbprint to the console, then exports the certificate to a cert file. If you used a client secret, skip ahead to update application configuration settings.

Run the following PowerShell script:

mkdir c:\temp
cd c:\temp

#Generate the certificate
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "CN=MipSdkFileApiDotNet" -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My"  -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -KeySpec Signature
$certFile = (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\CurrentUser\my\$($cert.thumbprint))
Export-Certificate -cert $cert -FilePath cba.cer -Type:CERT

# take the CER file and upload to AAD App Registration portal

Import the certificate to the application registration

In this step, the public certificate generated in the previous section will be imported to the application registration.

  1. In the Azure AD application regisration menu, find the application you registered.
  2. Select Certificates and secrets
  3. Click Upload certificate
  4. Browse to the CER file generated in the previous section, then click Add

The certificate will appear in the list, displaying the thumbprint and validity period.

Install Additional NuGet Packages

The required NuGet packages must be restored. To restore the packages:

  1. Right-click the MipSdkFileApiDotNet project
  2. Go to Manage NuGet Packages
  3. A yellow banner will indicate that NuGet packages are missing. Click Restore to fetch the missing packages.

Update Web.Config

The web.config file must be updated to store several identity and application-specific settings. Several of these settings should already be populated if you created the project from scratch and configured authentication in the wizard.

Update/Add appSettings

  1. In the MipSdkFileApiDotNet project, open the web.config file and find the appSettings section.
  2. Find <!-- TODO: Update ida: settings below for your tenant -->
  3. Update the values in bold below with settings from the Azure AD tenant.
  4. Use the table below to find the value for each setting and update the web.config.

Ensure that the certificate name matches the name used above

Key Value or Value Location
ida:ClientId Azure AD App Registration Portal - Detailed here: Copy the Application ID
ida:Domain Domain of AAD Tenant - e.g.
ida:TenantId AAD Properties Blade - Directory ID
ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri Set to site root (https://localhost:44376 in sample), and set in App Registration->Settings->Logout URL
ida:Thumbprint Thumbprint of the certificate generated above.
MipData App_Data\mip_data
DataEndpoint Any public web service to load data for GridView.

Update IdentityConfiguration

To save the bootstrap context token for the on behalf of authentication flow, the setting must be enabled in identityConfiguration.

Skipping this step will result in the on-behalf-of flow failing in later steps.

  1. In web.config find saveBootstrapContext
  2. Ensure that the value is set to true.
    <identityConfiguration saveBootstrapContext="true"/>
  1. Save the changes to web.config.

At this point the application should build and run. Read on to learn more about the details of the sample. Jump here to see the test steps.

The Auth Delegate

The MIP SDK exposes a class called Microsoft.InformationProtection.AuthDelegate. This is an abstract class, intended to be implemented by the application developer to leverage their desired authentication libraries. The MIP SDK doesn't implement auth itself, rather it enables the developer to implement any auth library they wish.

To implement the authentication delegate, we create a new class, inheriting Microsoft.InformationProtection.IAuthDelegate and implement the AcquireToken function.

The sample leverages ADAL as part of the ASP.NET application. Specifically, the service will use certificate based authentication to perform operations on behalf of the user against the MIP endpoints. Certificate based authentication is required to use the MIP policy endpoints.

  1. Open AuthDelegateImplementation.cs
  2. Find public string AcquireToken()
  3. Review the code path for obtaining an access token on behalf of a user.

The IAuthDelegate is passed to the IFileProfile at creation. When adding an engine for a specific user, IAuthDelegate.AcquireToken() is called, and should accept Identity, the authority URL, and the resource URL, in string format, as parameters. The API will pass this values to the method.

The IAuthDelegate provides flexibility in that it allows the developer to implement any OAuth2 token acquisition library to meet their needs. In this sample the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) is used, but 3rd party libraries, or even hard-coding a token, would work as far as the MIP SDK is concerned. It only expects that it will pass in some parameters to AcquireToken and get back an OAuth2 token in string format. The token issuer and audience should match the authority and resource provided as input.

Custom Objects

This sample leverages two custom classes to read and parse data from the JSON endpoint and from the MIP SDK.

  • Models.Label: A custom object to store basic information about the MIP Label. Used to populate the treeview.
  • Models.CustomClass: An intentionally generic name as this class stores whatever data is pulled from the service defined as DataEndpoint in web.config. If a new endpoint or data source is used, this class must be updated to accommodate that new data source.

This class is used in Default.aspx.cs when populating the "data" object.

Implement the File API Class

The MIP SDK File API functionality has been implemented in a class called FileApi. This will help to ensure that the API can be used across the project without recycling any code.

For the purposes of the tutorial, the samples will implement five methods, plus a constructor.

Method Purpose
Constructor Set ApplicationInfo, Initialize MIP SDK managed components, create profile and engine.
CreateFileProfile() Create a new Microsoft.InformationProtection.File.IFileProfile object.
CreateFileEngine() Add a new Microsoft.InformationProtection.File.IFileEngine to the IFileProject object.
CreateFileHandler() Create a new IFileHandler for the specified Stream.
ApplyLabel() Apply the specified MIP label to the specified Stream and write to provided output Stream
ListAllLabels() Retrieves all labels available to the specified user and returns as List<Models.Label>

Constructor and Private Variables

When the FileApi object is constructed, it will setup the ApplicationInfo object, initialize the AuthDelegate using the ClaimsPrincipal, configure managed-to-unmanaged marshalling, initialize the FileProfileFactory, then create a FileProfile and FileEngine.

Review CreateProfile()

The Profile, whether policy, file, or protection, is the base class for all SDK operations. Before any action can be taken by the SDK, the Profile must be instantiated.

  1. Open FileApi.cs
  2. Review CreateFileProfile()

The IFileProfile is created by first initializing some profile settings. FileProfileSettings describes the storage location for MIP SDK state storage, whether to use in memory storage, the auth and consent delegates, ApplicationInfo, and the logging level.

The settings object is passed in to the MIP.LoadFileProfileAsync() method, which returns an object of IFileProfile.

Review CreateFileEngine()

The File Engine, exposed via IFileEngine is the class used in the SDK to take any actions specific to the authenticated user. The FileEngine allows the developer to list labels specific to the user and to construct a FileHandler for working with files or streams. The engine is created by the profile object's AddEngineAsync() method.

Constructing an object of IFileEngine requires creating FileEngineSettings, where the settings object is constructed by passing three values:

  • Username: In UPN format
  • Client Data string: Custom string for telemetry or debugger. Allowed to be empty.
  • Locale, in "en-US" format. en-US is the default value.

The method tries to create a new FileEngineSettings object, then uses that object to call AddEngineAsync() on the IFileProfile object. The result is stored in the class's _fileEngine object so it's accessible by all methods without being passed back to the caller.

  1. In FileApi.cs, find CreateFileEngine().
  2. Review the function.

Review ListLabels()

The first action typically implemented with IFileEngine is to fetch the available labels. The IFileEngine has a property called SensitivityLabels that returns a list of all sensitivity labels defined by the organization. Labels which are out of scope for the user will be set to Enabled = false. It's important that your application understands the concept of enabled versus disabled labels. Enabled labels are displayed to a user and selectable; disabled labels are used only to read the label metadata.

The sample below reads IFileEngine.SensitivityLabels and stores the result in a List<Models.Label> collection. It iterates through the list of labels and child labels, then stores in the List<Models.Label> collection.

The code to read the labels and put in the List<> is already implemented. The only step here is to implement the call to IFileEngine.SensitivityLabels.

  1. In FileApi.cs, locate ListLabels()
  2. Review the implementation. Note that getting the labels is as easy as _fileEngine.SensitivityLabels;

Review CreateFileHandler()

The IFileHandler the MIP SDK for C# handles all file or stream-specific operations that apply to a file format the SDK can manage. Reading labels or protection, applying labels or protection, removing labels or protection, etc.

IFileHandler can work with both streams and files. Here implement a method called CreateFileHandler() that returns IFileHandler, and accepts a Stream and string FileName as the parameters. The Stream contains the input in to the handler, and the string for FileName will be the name of the file as reported to auditing.

  1. In FileApi.cs, locate CreateFileHandler()
  2. Review the implementation.

Review ApplyLabel()

The last method that is required in FileApi as part of the sample is ApplyLabel(). This method will accept the input and output Stream objects, string FileName, the label ID in string format, and, optionally, a justification message as a string.

The provided parameters are used to call CreateFileHandler(). The IFileHandler object is returned to the ApplyLabel() function.

Similar to FileProfile and FileEngine, the FileHandler also requires a type of settings object, except in this case that object is LabelingOptions. The LabelingOptions object describes the various settings that can be apply to a label and stamped as part of the label metadata:

  • ActionSource: Manual, Automatic, Recommended, Default, or Mandatory.
  • AssignmentMethod: Standard, Auto, and Privileged.
  • JustificationMessage: May be required when downgrading or removing and existing label.
  • ExtendedProperties: Custom key/value pairs that can be applied in addition to default metadata.

The label is applied to the handler by calling SetLabel and providing the labelId and LabelingOptions. The result isn't persisted to the output file or stream until the IFileHandler.CommitAsync() method is called, with the output file or stream provided as a parameter.

  1. In FileApi.cs, locate ApplyLabel()
  2. Review the implementation. Note that the label action options as passed as part of the LabelingOptions object below.
LabelingOptions labelingOptions = new LabelingOptions()
    JustificationMessage = justificationMessage,
    ActionSource = ActionSource.Manual,
    AssignmentMethod = AssignmentMethod.Standard,
    ExtendedProperties = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>()

Finally, an audit event can be generated by notifying that the commit was a success:

  // Submit an audit event if the change was successful.

Review MipController.cs

MipController is the interface between the user interfaces and the service/data components. The MipController constructor initializes FileApi _fileApi. This is an object of the custom FileApi class implemented above.

  1. In Visual Studio, expand Controllers and open MipLabelController.cs
  2. Review the constructor.

Review GetAllLabels()

Returning the list of labels to the view is implemented simply by calling _fileApi.ListAllLabels(). The set of labels available to the authenticated user will be downloaded from the service and returned as a List<Models.Label>, the custom class created earlier in the sample. This collection is used later to populate the TreeView in the default page.

  1. In MipLabelController.cs, locate GetAllLabels()
  2. Review the function.
return _fileApi.ListAllLabels();

Review ApplyLabel() in MipLabelController.cs

Applying the label has been abstracted by the custom FileApi class. The label is applied to data provided by an input Stream and written to an output Stream. The stream is then written as an HttpResponse.

  1. In MipLabelController.cs, locate ApplyLabel()
  2. Note that the label is applied to a stream.

Review the OnClick Handler for the Download Button

When the user has selected a label and clicks the download button, the application will export the data stored in the GridView to an Excel spreadsheet. The label that has been selected will apply the MIP label and any metadata or protection that goes along with that label.

  1. Open Default.aspx.cs
  2. Find ButtonDownload_Click()
  3. Review the implementation. Note that the MemoryStream for the excel file is passed to the labelController object.

The provided code calls the label controller, passing in the MemoryStream that contains the data visible in the grid view, the intended filename, the label ID, and the output stream. MipLabelController calls FileApi, then the SDK. The Stream object is labeled, and since it's passed by reference, the object in the calling control is updated.


At this stage, it should be possible to build and run the application. When prompted to authenticate, provide user credentials for a user account in the configured tenant. Press F5 to build and run!

Test the application by:

  • Clicking a label to apply
  • Clicking the download button
  • Opening the Excel file and observe that the file is labeled.
    • The AIP Unified Labeling Preview Client is required to display labels natively.
    • To see the labels without preview client, click File->Info->Properties->Advanced Properties->Custom
    • If the label applies protection, the yellow protection banner will also be displayed.


Sources/Attribution/License/3rd Party Code

Unless otherwise noted, all content is licensed under MIT license.

Authentication code modeled/copied primarily from the Active Directory DotNet WebApi On Behalf Of sample.

Excel output generated by EPPlus.

JSON de/serialization provided by Json.NET