FileService sample

The FileService sample demonstrates the basic use of the Web Services for Devices API. FileService implements the functionality described by FileService.wsdl. The sample includes both a client and service.


Supplied files

File Description
ReadMe.txt This readme file
FileServiceContract\CodeGen_All.config Config file for this sample
FileServiceContract\CodeGen_Client.config Alternate config file (see note below)
FileServiceContract\CodeGen_Host.config Alternate config file (see note below)
FileServiceContract\FileService.wsdl FileService Contract
FileServiceService\Service.cpp Service Implementation
FileServiceService\Service.h Header for Service Implementation
FileServiceClient\Client.cpp Client Implementation
FileServiceClient\Client.h Header for Client Implementation

Generated files

These files are generated automatically by WsdCodeGen.exe, but are included in the sample for reference. You may rebuild these files by running WsdCodeGen.

File Description
FileServiceContract\FileService.idl Interface file
FileServiceContract[FileService.h] Header file built from FileService.idl
FileServiceContract\FileServiceProxy.cpp Proxy class implementations
FileServiceContract\FileServiceProxy.h Proxy class definitions
FileServiceContract\FileServiceStub.cpp Stub function implementations
FileServiceContract\FileServiceTypes.cpp Type definitions
FileServiceContract\FileServiceTypes.h Type declarations and structure definitions

Platforms supported

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

Running the server and client applications

To build, type nmake on the command line in this directory. The client and service applications can run on the same Microsoft Windows Vista computer or a different one.

To run the service type:

 FileServiceService.exe <path>  (where <path> is the folder of files to be served)

To run the client type:

 FileServiceClient.exe <path> <device ID> (where <path> is the folder to receive files and <device ID> is the ID printed by FileServiceService.exe)

Layout of classes and functions

Service classes and functions

Classes/functions Description
CFileServiceService Implements the IFileService interface, which matches the FileService port type. This class acts like a COM object (for example, has AddRef, Release, and QueryInterface methods) and also exposes the GetFile and GetFileList methods, which can be accessed across the wire. The CFileServiceService has oneCFileChangeNotificationThread object, which automatically launches a thread to monitor for file system changes. This thread will call back into the CFileServiceService object to issue events to clients. When GetFile is called on the CFileServiceService object, it creates a CSendAttachmentThread object, which automatically launches a thread to write to an attachment. The thread will copy the contents of a file into the attachment and, when it's finished, will close the attachment and destroy itself.
CFileChangeNotificationThread Starts and makes a blocking request for file change notifications. When a notification is received, this class packages up the results and sends an event to all subscribed clients.
CSendAttachmentThread Opens a file and writes all data in the file into the supplied attachment object. When the file has been completely consumed, the object will close the attachment and then delete itself. The proper way to use this object is to instantiate one, call Start, and then discard the pointer to the object. It will be responsible for its own cleanup.
StripCbPath Removes path information from a filename.
CloneString Copies a string into a new buffer allocated with WSDAllocateLinkedMemory.
CreateStringList Copy a string into a PWCHAR_LIST linked-list object.
wmain Main function for processing command-line arguments and building a device host which advertises a FileService service.

Client classes and functions

Classes/functions Description
CFileServiceEventNotify Notification class that receives callbacks when a host sends a FileChange event to this client. This object is passed in as a parameter when the client subscribes to the FileChange event.
CGetFileAsyncCallback Notification class that is used when the client calls the GetFile method on the service. This async callback object is passed in as a parameter to the BeginGetFile proxy method, and when the operation completes, the CGetFileAsyncCallback::AsyncOperationComplete method is called. This object is then responsible for retrieving the results of the GetFile call and saving them to a local file.
Directory Wrapper function that invokes the GetFileList method on the service.
GetFile Wrapper function that sets up a CGetFileAsyncCallback object and then invokes the GetFile method on the service.
wmain Main function for processing command-line arguments, creating a proxy for sending service messages to a FileService service, and finally presenting an interactive prompt for sending these messages.

Alternate Codegen Config Files

Three config files are included with this sample.

  • CodeGen_All.config: Default, includes both host and client options
  • CodeGen_Client.config: Client-only options
  • CodeGen_Host.config: Host-only options

Only the first of these (CodeGen_All.config) is used when generating code for the FileService sample. CodeGen_Client.config and CodeGen_Host.config are provided to illustrate how to generate code for only the client and only the host.

If you would like to use these alternate config files, follow these steps:

  1. Run WsdCodeGen.exe /generatecode [alternate config file] /gbc.
  2. Rebuild the FileServiceContract project, and then rebuild either the FileServiceClient or FileServiceService project.