How to apply custom client settings

In Configuration Manager, you apply custom client settings by creating an instance of a Client Configuration class, and then deploying the custom client settings by creating an instance of the SMS_ClientSettingsAssignment class and associating the instance of the Client Configuration class and a target collection.

To apply custom client settings

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider.

  2. Create an instance of a Client Configuration class (such as SMS_StateSystemConfig used below).

  3. Populate specific custom client agent settings.

  4. Create an instance of the SMS_ClientSettingsAssignment class.

  5. Populate the client settings assignment values. ClientSettingsID to identify the custom client settings instance and CollectionID to identify the target collection for the deployment of the custom client settings.


The following example applies custom client settings by creating an instance of a Client Configuration class, and then deploying the custom client settings by creating an instance of the SMS_ClientSettingsAssignment class and associating the instance of the Client Configuration class and a target collection.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

public void ApplyCustomClientSettings(WqlConnectionManager connection,string targetCollectionID){
        // Create a new instance of specific client agent settings (in this case State Messaging)
        IResultObject newCustomClientAgentSettings = connection.CreateEmbeddedObjectInstance("SMS_StateSystemConfig");

        // Populate specific custom client agent settings
        newCustomClientAgentSettings["BulkSendInterval"].IntegerValue = 120;
        newCustomClientAgentSettings["BulkSendIntervalHigh"].IntegerValue = 5;
        newCustomClientAgentSettings["BulkSendIntervalLow"].IntegerValue = 30;

        // Create a new array list to hold the custom client agent settings object(s)
        List<IResultObject> tempAgentConfigurationsArray = new List<IResultObject>();

        // Add the custom client agent settings embedded object to the local array list

        // Create a new instance of SMS_ClientSettings
        IResultObject newClientSettings = connection.CreateInstance("SMS_ClientSettings");

        // Populate the client agent settings
        newClientSettings["Name"].StringValue = "Custom State Messaging Configuration";

        // Add the array of custom client agent settinsg object(s) to the AgentConfigurations property
        newClientSettings.SetArrayItems("AgentConfigurations", tempAgentConfigurationsArray);

        // Save and retrieve the new instance of SMS_ClientSettings

        // Get the SettingsID value of the new SMS_ClientSettings instance
        Int32 SettingsID = newClientSettings["SettingsID"].IntegerValue;

        // Create a new instance of SMS_ClientSettingsAssignment
        IResultObject newClientSettingsAssignment = connection.CreateInstance("SMS_ClientSettingsAssignment");

        // Populate the client settings assignment values
        // ClientSettingsID to identify the custom client settings
        // CollectionID to identify the target collection for the custom client settings
        newClientSettingsAssignment["ClientSettingsID"].IntegerValue = SettingsID;
        newClientSettingsAssignment["CollectionID"].StringValue = targetCollectionID;

        // Save the new instance of the client settings assignment.
    catch (SmsException ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Failed. Error: " + ex.InnerException.Message);

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
connection - Managed: WqlConnectionManager A valid connection to the SMS Provider.
targetCollectionID - Managed: String The target collection for the custom client settings deployment.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:










Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

.NET Framework Security

For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Configuration Manager role-based administration.

See Also

Configuration Manager SDK
SMS_ClientSettingsAssignment Server WMI Class