Configure extension icon

Selecting an icon that illustrates the purpose of your custom command in SharePoint Framework (SPFx) makes it easier for users to find your command among other options visible in the toolbar or in the context menu. Specifying an icon for a command is optional. If you don't specify an icon, only the command title is displayed in the command bar.

SharePoint Framework supports building the following types of extensions:

  • Application Customizer
  • Field Customizer
  • Command Set

The Command Set is the only type of SharePoint Framework Extension for which you can configure icons.

When deploying Command Sets, you can choose whether their commands should be visible on:

  • Command bar:

    "location": "ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet.CommandBar"
  • Context menu:

    "location": "ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet.ContextMenu"
  • Both:

    "location": "ClientSideExtension.ListViewCommandSet"

Icons defined for the different commands are displayed only for commands displayed in the command bar.

The SharePoint Framework provides two options to define the extension's icon:

  • Use an external icon image
  • Use a base64-encoded image

Use an external icon image

When building SharePoint Framework Command Sets, you can specify an icon for each command by providing an absolute URL pointing to the icon image in the extension manifest. This is done in the iconImageUrl property.

  "id": "6cdfbff6-714f-4c26-a60c-0b18afe60837",
  "alias": "WeatherCommandSet",
  "componentType": "Extension",
  "extensionType": "ListViewCommandSet",
  "items": {
    "WEATHER": {
      "title": { "default": "Weather" },
      "iconImageUrl": "https://localhost:4321/temp/sun.png",
      "type": "command"

The command icon displayed in the command bar is 16x16 px. If your image is bigger, it's sized proportionally to match these dimensions.

Custom image used as the command icon in the command bar

While using custom images gives you flexibility to choose an icon for your command, it requires you to deploy them along with your other extension assets.

Your image might lose quality when displayed in higher DPI or specific accessibility settings. To avoid quality loss, you can use vector-based SVG images.

Use a base64-encoded image

When using a custom image, rather than specifying an absolute URL to the image file hosted together with other extension assets, you can have your image base64-encoded and use the base64 string instead of the URL.

A number of services are available online that you can use to base64-encode your image, such as Convert your images to Base64.

After encoding the image, copy the base64 string and use it as the value for the iconImageUrl property in the web part manifest.

  "id": "6cdfbff6-714f-4c26-a60c-0b18afe60837",
  "alias": "WeatherCommandSet",
  "componentType": "Extension",
  "extensionType": "ListViewCommandSet",
  "items": {
    "WEATHER": {
      "title": { "default": "Weather" },
      "iconImageUrl": "...",
      "type": "command"

Base64 encoding works for both bitmap images, such as PNG, and vector SVG images. The advantage to using base64-encoded images is that you don't need to deploy the web part icon image in addition to the SPFx extension.

Base64 encoded image displayed as web part icon in the toolbox

See also