SharePoint Modernization scanner reports: InfoPath reports


Assessing your InfoPath usage should be done using the Microsoft 365 Assessment tool

Excel dashboard

InfoPath dashboard

Understanding the ModernizationInfoPathScanResults.csv file

This report contains the following columns:

Column Description
Site Collection Url Url of the scanned site collection.
SiteUrl Url of the scanned web
InfoPath Usage Indicates how InfoPath is used: in a FormLibrary an InfoPath form is used to collect data which is stored as InfoPath XML in the form library. When CustomForm an InfoPath form is used to customize the list forms
Enabled Is the InfoPath form enabled
Last user modified date When was the last user triggered change for the list/library that uses this InfoPath form
Item count How many items are there in the list/library that uses InfoPath
List Title The title of the list/library that's using InfoPath
List Url The url of the list/library that's using InfoPath
List Id The id of the list/library that's using InfoPath
Template The name of the InfoPath form template (the .xsn file being used)
Change Year Year of last change for the list/library that uses this InfoPath form
Change Quarter Quarter of last change for the list/library that uses this InfoPath form
Change Month Month of last change for the list/library that uses this InfoPath form

Key takeaways from this report

Load the ModernizationInfoPathScanResults.csv into Microsoft Excel and use below filters to analyze the received data

Filter Takeaway
No filter Understand used InfoPath forms (form libraries and list form customizations)
Change Year < this year - 2 The lists being used by these InfoPath forms did not see any activity for a long time, verify if these forms are still relevant