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"We don't know what happened, but something went wrong." error in Excel Web Access Web Parts

This article was written by Tom Schauer, Technical Specialist.


When you try to view a Microsoft Excel workbook in the Excel Web Access Web Part, you receive the following error:

Screenshot that shows the error of something went wrong about Excel Services.

In the Unified Logging Service (ULS) logs, the following log is displayed:

The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'rbs_fn_get_blob_reference', database 'SharePoint_Content_80', schema 'mssqlrbs'.


To resolve this issue, grant the following permissions for the Application Pool account on the content database:

  • db_rbs_admin
  • db_rbs_filestream_maintaner_1
  • db_rbs_filestream_reader_1
  • db_rbs_filestream_writer_1
  • db_rbs_maintainer
  • db_rbs_reader
  • db_rbs_writer

Screenshot that shows the application pool account permissions dialog box