
Assessing your Machine Learning Workloads

with David Blank-Edelman, Sudha Kumar, Jason DeBoever

In this episode of the Azure Enablement Show, David Blank-Edelman is joined by Jason DeBoever, senior product manager, and Sudha Kumar, principal cloud solution architect to discuss how machine learning-specific assessments can help you avoid costly pitfalls like increased spend, loss of trust, and costly breaches using the five pillars of the Azure Well-Architected Framework.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 01:15 - How we make sure we're doing this right?
  • 02:57 - How is a workload-specific assessment different than a general assessment?
  • 04:34 - What are some of the machine learning-specific questions I can expect?
  • 07:11 - What sort of recommendations can I expect from the assessment?
  • 09:35 - How will the assessments evolve over time?
  • 11:13 - What are the next steps?

