
Assess, get recommendations, & migrate SQL Server to Azure using Azure Data Studio | Data Exposed

with Anna Hoffman, Marisa Brasile

In this episode of Data Exposed with Mohamed Kabiruddin and Anna Hoffman, we will discuss all the recent updates and features added to the Azure SQL Migration extension in Azure Data Studio including the new workflow for SQL Server database assessments and Azure recommendations. These features will provide insightful recommendations and guidance to successfully complete your end-to-end SQL Server database migration journey to Azure SQL Managed Instance or SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines. We will also showcase how you can leverage Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI to migrate multiple databases at scale using automation.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:58 - Announcement
  • 01:50 - SQL Migration extension in Azure Data Studio
  • 02:53 - Right-sized Azure recommendations
  • 03:48 - End-to-end
  • 05:28 - Demo
  • 15:25 - Getting started