Use the SDK to join a meeting with an Android device

This article shows you how to enable the core Skype for Business anonymous meeting join scenario in your Android app. iOS developers should read Use the SDK to join a meeting with an iOS device.

If the anonymous meeting your app joins is hosted in a Skype for Business Online service and your app is not enabled for Skype for Business preview features, then your app must get a discovery Url and an anonymous meeting token to join. A meeting Url does not give you meeting access in this scenario. Read Use the App SDK and the Trusted Application API to join an Online meeting - Android

After completing the steps in this article, your app can join a Skype for Business video meeting with a meeting URL. No Skype for Business credentials are used to join the meeting.


Be sure to read Getting started with Skype App SDK development to learn how to configure your Android project for the Skype for Business App SDK. In particular, the following steps assume you have added the ConversationHelper class to your source to let you complete the scenario with a minimum of code.

  1. Initialize the App SDK application by calling the static method:

    Application mApplication =;
    AnonymousSession mAnonymousSession = null;
    Conversation mConversation = null;


    Be sure to select the Application object in the package!

  2. Enable platform preview features and set wifi required for audio/video

  3. Start joining the meeting by calling Application.joinMeetingAnonymously(String displayName, URI meetingUri)

             mAnonymousSession = mApplication
                                     R.string.userDisplayName), meetingURI);


    All of the SDK’s interfaces must be used only from the application main thread (main run loop). Notifications are delivered in the same thread as well. As a result, no synchronization around the SDK’s interfaces is required. The SDK, however, may create threads for internal purposes.

  4. Get the Conversation object that encapsulates the meeting from the AnonymousSession object by calling getConversation() on the anonymous session.

      mConversation = mAnonymousSession.getConversation();
  5. Show video codec license

    As per the license terms, before you start video for the first time after install, you must prompt the user to accept the Microsoft end-user license (also included in the SDK).
    This is required to proceed with features that potentially use video codecs.

    This code snippet shows the use of the new Skype App SDK "setEndUserAcceptedVideoLicense" api. Until this method is called, any attempt to use those features will fail. Once the api has been called, the user is considered in acceptance of the third party video codec license that we use to support video. Subsequent meetings do not require the license acceptance.

    title: Video license acceptance dialog Android
    description: Video license acceptance dialog for Android
    # Video license acceptance dialog
         * Shows a video license acceptance dialog if user has not been prompted before. If user
         * accepts license, call is started. Else, SkypeCallActivity is finished.
         * @param onlineMeetingFlag
         * @param discoveryUrl
         * @param authToken
         * @param meetingUrl
         * @return
        private boolean checkVideoLicenseAcceptance(
            final Short onlineMeetingFlag
            , final String discoveryUrl
            , final String authToken
            , final String meetingUrl) {
            mApplication = Application.getInstance(this.getBaseContext());
            final Boolean canJoinCall = true;
            SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
            if (!sharedPreferences.getBoolean(getString(R.string.acceptedVideoLicense),false)) {
                AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogBuidler = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                alertDialogBuidler.setTitle("Video License");
                alertDialogBuidler.setPositiveButton("Accept", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                alertDialogBuidler.setNegativeButton("Decline", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            } else {
            return canJoinCall;
         * Writes the user's acceptance or rejection of the video license
         * presented in the alert dialog
         * @param userChoice  Boolean, the user's license acceptance choice
        private void setLicenseAcceptance(Boolean userChoice){
            SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager
  6. Connect the conversation property callback to the Conversation object returned in the previous step.

            new ConversationPropertyChangeListener()); 
    • Declare a callback class to handle conversation property change Notifications
      * Callback implementation for listening for conversation property changes.
     class ConversationPropertyChangeListener extends
             Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback {
         ConversationPropertyChangeListener() {
          * onProperty changed will be called by the Observable instance on a property change.
          * @param sender     Observable instance.
          * @param propertyId property that has changed.
         public void onPropertyChanged(Observable sender, int propertyId) {
             Conversation conversation = (Conversation) sender;
             if (propertyId == Conversation.STATE_PROPERTY_ID) {
                 if (conversation.getState() == Conversation.State.ESTABLISHED) {
                     Log.e("SkypeCall", conversation
                             + " is established");
                     try {
                         runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                             public void run() {
                                 //Update application UI to show conversation is established.
                                 //Open video call fragment.
                     } catch (Exception e) {
                         Log.e("SkypeCall", "exception on meeting started");
  7. When the state of the conversation changes to Conversation.State.ESTABLISHED, construct a ConversationHelper object. Pass the following objects:

    • The Conversation object returned in a prior step
    • the Application.DevicesManager
    • A TextureView control to show a preview of outgoing video
    • A view such as a RelativeLayout to contain the MMVRSurfaceview that will show incoming video.
          //Initialize the conversation helper with the established conversation,
          //the SfB App SDK devices manager, the outgoing video TextureView,
          //The view container for the incoming video, and a conversation helper
          mConversationHelper = new ConversationHelper(


    The ConversationHelper class makes it possible to start a video conversation and handle related events on the conversation, participants, and video streams with fewer lines of application code. You may not want to use the ConversationHelper if your application scenario has requirements that are not covered in this how to article. In that case, take the ConversationHelper as a starting point and modify or extend it to suite your requirements.

  8. Start the incoming and outgoing meeting video.


    As per the license terms, before you start video for the first time after install, you must prompt the user to accept the Microsoft end-user license (also included in the SDK). Please refer step 5 - Show video codec license for the sample code.

          //Start up the incoming and outgoing video
  9. Implement the ConversationHelper.ConversationCallback interface

      implements ConversationHelper.ConversationCallback

Sample code

The code steps shown in this topic are put together in a sample that we've published on GitHub. You can find Android and iOS samples for joining a meeting anonymously by navigating the links in the Sample applications for the Skype for Business App SDK article.

You can look at the complete conversation helper class code listing in The ConversationHelper class.