Load Dashboard

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

Local user

Using the mePerson object

The MePerson object is retrieved through the application.personsAndGroupsManager.mePerson property. For example, the following JavaScript code sample sets the availability of the signed in user to online.

// tell the mePerson to change the availability state

app.personsAndGroupsManager.mePerson.status.set('Online').then(function () {
    alert('The status of mePerson has been changed');
}).then(null, function (error) {
    // and if could not be changed, report the failure
    alert(error || 'The server has rejected this availability state.');

MePerson properties which can be set

Property Description
location Gets or sets the location of the signed in user.
note.text Gets or sets the personal note of the signed in user.
status Gets or sets the availability of the signed in user.


When the above values contain special characters such as <, >, and they will be padded with zero width whitespace. This can cause equality operations to fail unexpectedly. One option for handling this situation is to filter out these special values so they are not used.

MePerson properties which are read-only

Property Description
department Gets the work department of the signed in user.
email Gets the primary email address of the signed in user.
emails Gets the email addresses associated with the signed in user.
displayName Gets the display name of the signed in user.
avatarUrl Gets the photo URL of the signed in user.
title Gets the business title of the signed in user.
id Gets the SIP URI of the signed in user.
function addContactCardDetail(item, value, cardContainer) {
    const detailDiv = document.createElement('div');
    detailDiv.innerHTML = item + ": " + value;

function createContactCard(contact, container) {
    contact.company.get().then(function () {
        var contactCardDiv = document.createElement('div');
        contactCardDiv.className = 'contactCard table';
        contact.displayName() && addContactCardDetail('Name', contact.displayName(), contactCardDiv);
        contact.company() && addContactCardDetail('Company', contact.company(), contactCardDiv);
        contact.department() && addContactCardDetail('Department', contact.department(), contactCardDiv);
        contact.id() && addContactCardDetail('IM', contact.id(), contactCardDiv);
        contact.emails().length !== 0 && addContactCardDetail('Email', contact.emails()[0].emailAddress(), contactCardDiv);
        contact.phoneNumbers().length !== 0 && addContactCardDetail('Phone', contact.phoneNumbers()[0].displayString(), contactCardDiv);

function populateContacts(contacts, container) {
    function populateSingleContact(contact) {
        // some of the properties you can access contact.displayName(), contact.note().text, contact.avatarUrl()
        processing = false;
    function loopOverAllContacts() {
        if (processing) {
        processing = true; i++;
        if (i == contacts.length) {
        var contact = contacts[i].result ? contacts[i].result : contacts[i];
        if (contact.type && contact.type() == 'Phone') {
        } else {
            // do an explict get on one property to fetch all properties
            contact.status.get().then(function () {
    var processing = false, i = -1;
    setInterval(loopOverAllContacts, 10);

var content = document.querySelector('.content')

// retrieve local user details
const mePerson = application.personsAndGroupsManager.mePerson;
const contactsDiv = content.querySelector('.contacts');
const mePersonArray = []; 
contactsDiv.innerHTML = '';
populateContacts(mePersonArray, contactsDiv);
createContactCard(mePerson, contactsDiv.querySelector('.contact'));


Show a person's information

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