Extensibility Framework API for SQL Server

Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later versions

You can use the extensibility framework to write programming language extensions for SQL Server. The Extensibility Framework API for SQL Server is an API that can be used by a language extension to interact with and exchange data with SQL Server.

As a language extension author, you can use this reference together with the open-sourced language extensions to understand how to use the API for writing your own. You can find the source code for the language extensions at aka.ms/mssql-lang-extensions.

You can find the syntax and arguments information about all API functions in this article.

Return value

All functions return a SQLRETURN parameter. If the value is anything other than SQL_SUCCESS, the value is treated as an error and the execution of the script stops.

Standard output

Any output by the extension to the standard output or error streams are traced to the session's log file, and are eventually traced back to SQL Server. This is similar to anything displayed in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) messages tab.


This function is only called once and is used to initialize the runtime for execution.


    SQLCHAR *ExtensionParams,
    SQLULEN ExtensionParamsLength,
    SQLCHAR *ExtensionPath,
    SQLULEN ExtensionPathLength,
    SQLCHAR *PublicLibraryPath,
    SQLULEN PublicLibraryPathLength,
    SQLCHAR *PrivateLibraryPath,
    SQLULEN PrivateLibraryPathLength


Argument Input/output Description
ExtensionParams Input Null-terminated string containing PARAMETERS value provided during CREATE EXTERNAL LANGUAGE or ALTER EXTERNAL LANGUAGE
ExtensionParamsLength Input Length in bytes of ExtensionParams (excluding the null termination character)
ExtensionPath Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the absolute path to the installation directory of the extension
ExtensionPathLength Input Length in bytes of ExtensionPath (excluding the null termination character)
PublicLibraryPath Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the absolute path to the public external libraries directory for this external language
PublicLibraryPathLength Input Length in bytes of PublicLibraryPath (excluding the null termination character)
PrivateLibraryPath Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the absolute path to the private external libraries directory for this user and this external language
PrivateLibraryPathLength Input Length in bytes of PrivateLibraryPath (excluding the null termination character)


This function is called once per session and initializing session-specific settings.


SQLRETURN InitSession(
    SQLGUID         SessionId,
    SQLCHAR*        Script,
    SQLULEN         ScriptLength,
    SQLUSMALLINT    InputSchemaColumnsNumber,
    SQLUSMALLINT    ParametersNumber
    SQLCHAR*        InputDataName,
    SQLUSMALLINT    InputDataNameLength,
    SQLCHAR*        OutputDataName,
    SQLUSMALLINT    OutputDataNameLength


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query
Script Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the @script in sp_execute_external_script
ScriptLength Input Length in bytes of ScriptScript (excluding the null termination character)
InputSchemaColumnsNumber Input Number of columns in the result set from @input_data_1 in sp_execute_external_script
ParametersNumber Input Number of input parameters from @params in sp_execute_external_script
InputDataName Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the @input_data_1_name in sp_execute_external_script
InputDataNameLength Input Length in bytes of InputDataName (excluding the null termination character)
OutputDataName Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the @output_data_1_name in sp_execute_external_script
OutputDataNameLength Input Length in bytes of OutputDataName (excluding the null termination character)


Initialize the information for a given column for a particular session.

This function is called for each column in the result set from @input_data_1 in sp_execute_external_script.

The column structure of this result set is referred to as the input schema.


    SQLGUID       SessionId,
    SQLUSMALLINT  ColumnNumber,
    SQLCHAR*      ColumnName,
    SQLSMALLINT   ColumnNameLength,
    SQLSMALLINT   DataType,
    SQLULEN       ColumnSize,
    SQLSMALLINT   DecimalDigits,
    SQLSMALLINT   Nullable,
    SQLSMALLINT   PartitionByNumber,
    SQLSMALLINT   OrderByNumber


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query
ColumnNumber Input An integer identifying the index of this column in the input schema. Columns are numbered sequentially in increasing order starting at 0
ColumnName Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the column's name
ColumnNameLength Input Length in bytes of ColumnName (excluding the null termination character)
Data type Input The ODBC C type identifying this column's data type
ColumnSize Input The maximum size in bytes of the underlying data in this column.

For SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_C_WCHAR and SQL_C_BINARY data types, values larger than 8,000 indicate this column represent a LOB object, with sizes up to 2 GB
DecimalDigits Input The decimal digits of underlying data in this column, as defined by Decimal Digits
Nullable Input A value that indicates whether this column might contain NULL values. Possible values:

- SQL_NO_NULLS: The column can't contain NULL values.
- SQL_NULLABLE: The column can contain NULL values
PartitionByNumber Input A value that indicates the index of this column in the @input_data_1_partition_by_columns sequence in sp_execute_external_script. Columns are numbered sequentially in increasing order starting at 0. If this column isn't included in the sequence, the value is -1
OrderByNumber Input A value that indicates the index of this column in the @input_data_1_order_by_columns sequence in sp_execute_external_script. Columns are numbered sequentially in increasing order starting at 0. If this column isn't included in the sequence, the value is -1


Initialize the information regarding a given input parameter for a particular session.

This function is called for each parameter from @params in sp_execute_external_script.


    SQLGUID      SessionId,
    SQLUSMALLINT ParamNumber,
    SQLCHAR*     ParamName,
    SQLSMALLINT  ParamNameLength,
    SQLSMALLINT  DataType,
    SQLULEN      ParamSize,
    SQLSMALLINT  DecimalDigits,
    SQLPOINTER   ParamValue,
    SQLINTEGER   StrLen_or_Ind,
    SQLSMALLINT  InputOutputType


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query
ParamNumber Input An integer identifying the index of this parameter. Parameters are numbered sequentially in increasing order starting at 0
ParamName Input Null-terminated UTF-8 string containing the parameter's name
ParamNameLength Input Length in bytes of ParamName (excluding the null termination character)
Data type Input The ODBC C type identifying this parameter's data type
ParamSize Input The maximum size in bytes of the underlying data in this parameter.

For SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_C_WCHAR and SQL_C_BINARY data types, values larger than 8000 indicate this parameter represent LOBs object and with sizes up to 2 GB
DecimalDigits Input The decimal digits of underlying data in this parameter, as defined by Decimal Digits
ParamValue Input A pointer to a buffer containing the parameter's value
StrLen_or_Ind Input An integer value indicating the length in bytes of ParamValue, or SQL_NULL_DATA to indicate that the data is NULL.

StrLen_or_Ind[col] can be ignored if a column isn't nullable and doesn't represent one of the following data types: SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_C_WCHAR and SQL_C_BINARY, SQL_C_NUMERIC or SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP. Otherwise it points to a valid array with RowsNumber elements, where each element contains its length or null indicator data
InputOutputType Input The type of the parameter. The InputOutputType argument is one of the following values:



Execute the @script in sp_execute_external_script.

This function might be called multiple times. Once for each steam chunk and for each partition in the @input_data_1_partition_by_columns in sp_execute_external_script.


    SQLGUID         SessionId,
    SQLULEN         RowsNumber,
    SQLPOINTER*     Data,
    SQLINTEGER**    StrLen_or_Ind,
    SQLUSMALLINT*   OutputSchemaColumnsNumber


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query
RowsNumber Input The number of rows in the Data
Data Input A two-dimensional array that contains the result set of @input_data_1 in sp_execute_external_script.

The total number of columns is InputSchemaColumnsNumber that was received in the InitSession call. Each column contains RowsNumber elements that should be interpreted according to the column type from InitColumn.
Elements indicated to be NULL in StrLen_or_Ind aren't guaranteed to be valid and should be ignored
StrLen_or_Ind Input A two-dimensional array that contains the length/NULL indicator for each value in Data. Possible values of each cell:

- n, where n > 0. Indicating the length of the data in bytes
- SQL_NULL_DATA, indicating a NULL value.
The total number of columns is InputSchemaColumnsNumber that was received in the InitSession call. Each column contains RowsNumber elements that should be interpreted according to the column type from InitColumn.
StrLen_or_Ind[col] can be ignored, if one column isn't nullable and doesn't represent one of the following data types: SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_C_WCHAR and SQL_C_BINARY, SQL_C_NUMERIC or SQL_C_TYPE_TIMESTAMP. Otherwise it points to a valid array with RowsNumber elements, each element contains its length or null indicator data
OutputSchemaColumnsNumber Output Pointer to a buffer in which to return the number of columns in the expected result set of the @script in sp_execute_external_script


Retrieve the information regarding a given output column for a particular session.

This function is called for each column in the result set from @script in sp_execute_external_script.

The column structure of this result set is referred to as the output schema.


SQLRETURN GetResultColumn(
    SQLGUID         SessionId,
    SQLUSMALLINT    ColumnNumber,
    SQLSMALLINT*    DataType,
    SQLINTEGER*     ColumnSize,
    SQLSMALLINT*    DecimalDigits,
    SQLSMALLINT*    Nullable


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query
ColumnNumber Input An integer identifying the index of this column in the output schema. Columns are numbered sequentially in increasing order starting at 0
Data type Output A pointer to the buffer that contains the ODBC C type identifying this column's data type
ColumnSize Output A pointer to a buffer that contains the maximum size in bytes of the underlying data in this column
DecimalDigits Output A pointer to a buffer that contains the decimal digits of underlying data in this column, as defined by Decimal Digits. If the number of decimal digits can't be determined or isn't applicable, the value is discarded
Nullable Output A pointer to a buffer that contains a value, which indicates whether this column might contain NULL values. Possible values:

- SQL_NO_NULLS: The column can't contain NULL values.
- SQL_NULLABLE: The column can contain NULL values.
If other values are passed, then execution stops


Retrieve the result set from executing the @script in sp_execute_external_script.

This function might be called multiple times. Once for each steam chunk and for each partition in the @input_data_1_partition_by_columns in sp_execute_external_script.


    SQLGUID         SessionId,
    SQLULEN*        RowsNumber,
    SQLPOINTER**    Data,
    SQLINTEGER***   StrLen_or_Ind


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query
RowsNumber Output A pointer to a buffer that contains the number of rows in the Data
Data Output A pointer to a two-dimensional array allocated by the extension that contains the result set of @script in sp_execute_external_script.

The total number of columns should be OutputSchemaColumnsNumber that was retrieved in the Execute call. Each column should contain RowsNumber elements that should be interpreted according to the column type from GetResultColumn
StrLen_or_Ind Output A pointer to a two-dimensional array allocated by the extension that contains the length/NULL indicator for each value in Data. Possible values of each cell:

- n, where n > 0. Indicating the length of the data in bytes
- SQL_NULL_DATA, indicating a NULL value.
The total number of columns should be OutputSchemaColumnsNumber that was received in the Execute call. Each column contains RowsNumber elements that should be interpreted according to the column type from GetResultColumn.
StrLen_or_Ind[col] is ignored, if one column isn't nullable and doesn't represent one of the following data types: SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_C_WCHAR and SQL_C_BINARY [add dates]. Otherwise it points to a valid array with RowsNumber elements, each element contains its length or null indicator data


Retrieve the information regarding a given output parameter for a particular session.

This function is called for each parameter from @params in sp_execute_external_script marked with OUTPUT.


SQLRETURN GetOutputParam(
    SQLGUID        SessionId,
    SQLUSMALLINT   ParamNumber,
    SQLPOINTER*    ParamValue,
    SQLINTEGER*    StrLen_or_Ind


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
ParamValue Output A pointer to a buffer containing the parameter's value
StrLen_or_Ind Output A pointer to a buffer that contains an integer value indicating the length in bytes of ParamValue, or SQL_NULL_DATA to indicate that the data is NULL


Retrieve the interface version.

This function returns an integer representing the extension's interface version.

Supported values:

  1. Version 1 is the initial API version. Supported at SQL Server 2019 (15.x) RTM.
  2. Version 2 has added support for InstallExternalLibrary and UninstallExternalLibrary API and is supported from SQL Server 2019 (15.x) CU 3.


SQLUSMALLINT GetInterfaceVersion();


Clean up per-session information.


SQLRETURN CleanupSession(
    SQLGUID        SessionId,


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query


Clean up global, shared information (for example, JVM).


SQLRETURN Cleanup();


Retrieves telemetry (key-value pairs) data from the extension. The function is optional and doesn't require implementation. The telemetry is exposed by the dm_db_external_script_execution_stats dynamic management view (DMV).

There's a counter named script_executions, which is sent by the framework. The extension shouldn't use this name.

Each telemetry entry is a key-value pair. The keys are strings. The values are 64-bit integers, or counters. Thus, the output comprises for two logical arrays: the names and their corresponding counters. Each array is output.

The length of each array is RowsNumber, which is an output. The first logical output contains pointers to strings. It's represented by two arrays: CounterNames (the actual string data) and CounterNamesLength (the length of each string). The second logical output is stored in the CounterValues pointer.


SQLRETURN GetTelemetryResults(
    SQLGUID        SessionId,
    SQLUINTEGER    *RowsNumber,
    SQLCHAR        ***CounterNames,
    SQLINTEGER     **CounterNamesLength,
    SQLBIGINT      **CounterValues


Argument Input/output Description
SessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
TaskId Input An integer uniquely identifying this execution process.

When @parallel is 1 in sp_execute_external_script, this value ranges from 0 to the degree of parallelism of the query
RowsNumber Output The number of key-value pairs
CounterNames Output The string data containing the keys
CounterNamesLength Output The length of each key string
CounterValues Output The 64-bit integer data containing the values


Installs a library. The function is optional and doesn't require implementation. The default implementation is to copy the content of the library (see CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY) to a file at the proper location. The file name is library name.


SQLRETURN InstallExternalLibrary(
    SQLGUID    SetupSessionId,
    SQLCHAR    *LibraryName,
    SQLINTEGER LibraryNameLength,
    SQLCHAR    *LibraryFile,
    SQLINTEGER LibraryFileLength,
    SQLCHAR    *LibraryInstallDirectory,
    SQLINTEGER LibraryInstallDirectoryLength,
    SQLCHAR    **LibraryError,
    SQLINTEGER *LibraryErrorLength


Argument Input/output Description
SetupSessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
LibraryName Input The library name
LibraryNameLength Input The length of the library name
LibraryFile Input The path (as a string) to the library file containing the binary content specified by CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY
LibraryFileLength Input The length of the LibraryFile string
LibraryInstallDirectory: Input The root directory to install the library
LibraryInstallDirectoryLength Input The length of the LibraryInstallDirectory string
LibraryError Output An optional output parameter. If there's an error during the installation of the library, LibraryError points to a string describing the error
LibraryErrorLength Output The length of the LibraryError string


Uninstalls a library. The function is optional and doesn't require implementation. The default implementation is to undo the work done by the default implementation of InstallExternalLibrary. The default implementation deletes the content of the LibraryName file under LibraryInstallDirectory.


SQLRETURN UninstallExternalLibrary(
    SQLGUID    SetupSessionId,
    SQLCHAR    *LibraryName,
    SQLINTEGER LibraryNameLength,
    SQLCHAR    *LibraryInstallDirectory,
    SQLINTEGER LibraryInstallDirectoryLength,
    SQLCHAR    **LibraryError,
    SQLINTEGER *LibraryErrorLength


Argument Input/output Description
SetupSessionId Input GUID uniquely identifying this script session
LibraryName Input The library name
LibraryNameLength Input The length of the library name
LibraryFile Input The path (as a string) to the library file containing the binary content specified by CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY
LibraryFileLength Input The length of the LibraryFile string
LibraryInstallDirectory Input The root directory to install the library
LibraryInstallDirectoryLength Input The length of the LibraryInstallDirectory string
LibraryError Output The library error string
LibraryErrorLength Output The length of the LibraryError string