Connectivity libraries and frameworks for Microsoft SQL Server

Applies to: SQL Server - Linux

Check out the Getting Started guides to quickly get started with programming languages such as C#, Java, Node.js, PHP, and Python and build an app using SQL Server on Linux, Windows, or Docker on macOS.

The following table lists connectivity libraries or drivers that client applications can use from various languages to connect to and use Microsoft SQL Server running on-premises or in the cloud, on Linux, Windows, or Docker, and also to Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics.

Language Platform Additional resources Download Get started
C# Windows, Linux, macOS Microsoft ADO.NET for SQL Server Download Get started
Java Windows, Linux, macOS Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Get started
PHP Windows, Linux, macOS PHP SQL Driver for SQL Server Operating System:

- Windows
- Linux
- macOS
Get started
Node.js Windows, Linux, macOS Node.js Driver for SQL Server Get started
Python Windows, Linux, macOS Python SQL Driver

- pyodbc
Get started
Ruby Windows, Linux, macOS Ruby Driver for SQL Server Get started
C++ Windows, Linux, macOS Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server Download

The following table lists a few examples of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks and web frameworks, that client applications can use with SQL Server running on-premises or in the cloud, on Linux, Windows, or Docker, and also to Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics.

Language Platform ORM
C# Windows, Linux, macOS Entity Framework
Entity Framework Core
Java Windows, Linux, macOS Hibernate ORM
PHP Windows, Linux Laravel (Eloquent)
Node.js Windows, Linux, macOS Sequelize ORM
Python Windows, Linux, macOS Django
Ruby Windows, Linux, macOS Ruby on Rails