com:TypeLib (in Package/Extensions, child of Interface)

A type library for an interface.

Element hierarchy








    Id = 'A GUID in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.'
    VersionNumber = 'An optional value with one to three alphanumeric characters separated by a period followed by one to three more alphanumeric characters (for example, 1.5a).' />

Attributes and elements


Attribute Description Data type Required Default value
Id The type library ID. A GUID in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. Yes
VersionNumber The version of the type library. An optional value with one to three alphanumeric characters separated by a period followed by one to three more alphanumeric characters (for example, 1.5a). No

Child elements


Parent elements

Parent element Description
com:Interface Declares a package extension point of type windows.comInterface. The comInterface extension may include three types of registrations: Interface, ProxyStub, or TypeLib.


Item Value
Minimum OS Version Windows 10 version 1703 (Build 15063)