Warning C6334

sizeof operator applied to an expression with an operator may yield unexpected results


The sizeof operator, when applied to an expression, yields the size of the type of the resulting expression.

Code analysis name: SIZEOFEXPR


The following code generates this warning. Since a - 4 is an expression, sizeof will return the size of the resulting pointer, not the size of the structure found at that pointer:

void f( )
    size_t x;
    char a[100];
    x = sizeof(a - 4);
    assert(x == 96);  //assert fails since x == sizeof(char*)

To correct this warning, ensure that you're working with the return value of sizeof, not the argument to it:

void f( )
    size_t x;
    char a[100];
    x = sizeof(a) - 4;
    assert(x == 96);  //assert succeeds

See also

sizeof Operator