Favorite Samples & Examples

How to open a Cordova project in VS

The Examples We Like section featurs projects that were not necessarily created in Visual Studio--we just think they're cool. However, because they weren't developed inside VS, you can't just double-click into the project.

To open a non-VS Cordova project inside VS, go to File | New | Project From Existing Code..., and follow the import wizard.

Add project from existing code

Samples We Made

Cordova Plugins Sampler

Cordova Plugins Sampler

The Cordova Plugins Sampler is authored by Cordova expert and longtime Visual Studio engineer Ryan Salva (@ryansalva). Sample this supreme sampling of plugin samples and learn how to use plugins from Battery to Camera to Contacts and more.

Feel free to download the sample off Ryan's Github and play around. Open this project by following the instructions here.

Examples We Like

Star Track by Phonegap

Star Track by Phonegap

Star Track is a Cordova app that allows you to search for songs (tracks), preview a list, and star the tracks in your results. It's built using Framework 7, a jQuery-like JavaScript library. It was created by the Phonegap team and announced on their developer blog April 2016.

Play around with their sample on Github. Open this project by following the instructions here.

Suggest Your Own

Working on something cool, or want to recommend a good find? Let us know.