
Creates an enumerator for the nested enumerators of this class.


int EnumNestedEnums(
    out IEnumDebugFields ppEnum


[out] Returns an IEnumDebugFields object representing the list of nested enumerations. Returns a null value if there are no nested enumerations.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK or returns S_FALSE if there are no nested enumerators. Otherwise, returns an error code.


Each element of the enumeration is an IDebugEnumField object describing a nested enumeration.

An enumeration declared inside a class is considered a nested enumeration. For example, given:

class RootClass {
    enum NestedEnum { EnumValue = 0 }

The EnumNestedEnums method would return an IEnumDebugFields object that contains one IDebugEnumField object that represents the NestedEnum enumeration.

See also