

This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Starts a tracking context using a response file specifying a root marker.


HRESULT WINAPI StartTrackingContextWithRoot(LPCTSTR intermediateDirectory, LPCTSTR taskName, LPCTSTR rootMarkerResponseFile);  


[in] intermediateDirectory
The directory in which to store the tracking log.

[in] taskName
Identifies the tracking context. This name is used to create the log file name.

[in] rootMarkerResponseFile
The pathname of a response file containing a root marker. The root name is used to group all tracking for a context together.

Return Value

An [HRESULT]() with the [SUCCEEDED]() bit set if the tracking context was created.


Header: FileTracker.h

See Also
