Visual Studio subscriptions offered to startups

Qualified startups who join the Microsoft for Startups program can earn five Visual Studio Enterprise monthly cloud subscriptions.

Subscription details

These subscriptions are the same as the subscriptions offered through the Azure Marketplace, with no special limitations or restrictions. Each subscription must be assigned to an end user before the user can run Visual Studio and be recognized as a Visual Studio Enterprise subscriber in Azure DevOps Services.


With all Visual Studio cloud subscriptions, the licensed user must sign in to Visual Studio using the same identity/login that was used to activate the Visual Studio subscription.

Product keys aren't offered to unlock the product. Signing in is the only option for running Visual Studio. The Visual Studio subscriber can operate offline for up to 30 days before Visual Studio stops working. When users are working online, Visual Studio silently refreshes the user's license status periodically to ensure the subscription is still valid.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What benefits are included with subscriptions provided through Microsoft for Startups?

A: These subscriptions are monthly subscriptions, with limited benefits. Subscriptions include:

  • Visual Studio IDE for Windows and Mac
  • Azure DevOps
  • Azure DevOps Server For details, see our pricing details page


For assistance with sales, subscriptions, accounts and billing for Visual Studio Subscriptions, see Visual Studio Subscriptions support.

See also

Next steps