The KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING_POSITION event indicates that the audio stream has reached a specified position in a looped buffer.

Usage Summary Table

Target Event Descriptor Type Event Value Type




The event value type (operation data) is a LOOPEDSTREAMING_POSITION_EVENT_DATA structure that contains the following information:

  • The type of notification that the system will send to the client when the position event occurs.

  • The buffer position that triggers the event.

This event is intended only for internal use by the system.


In Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows 98, the WavePci and WaveCyclic port drivers contain their own built-in handlers for KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING_POSITION events. WavePci and WaveCyclic miniport drivers should not implement handlers for these events.

In Windows Vista, none of the WaveXxx port drivers implement event handlers or other support for KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING_POSITION events.

A looped buffer is a data buffer for an audio stream of type KSINTERFACE_STANDARD_LOOPED_STREAMING. When a play or record cursor reaches the end of a looped buffer, the cursor wraps around to the start of the buffer.

For more information about looped buffers, buffer positions, and play and record cursors, see Audio Position Property.



Ksmedia.h (include Ksmedia.h)

See also