FCP_REQUEST structure (61883.h)

This structure is used for a send request. The request sends an FCP request to the device. If the protocol driver is being used to represent a virtual device on the machine, the client driver must specify the NodeAddress member of FCP_SEND_REQUEST structure. This information is required in order to route the request to the proper node on the 1394 bus. If the protocol driver is being used to control a physical device, the 1394 bus driver determines the node address dynamically, and NodeAddress is not used.


typedef struct _FCP_SEND_REQUEST {
  IN NODE_ADDRESS NodeAddress;
  IN ULONG        Length;
  IN PFCP_FRAME   Frame;



On input, if the protocol driver is being used to control a virtual device, NodeAddress must contain the node address of the device to which this request is being sent so the protocol driver can route the request to the correct device. If the protocol driver is being used to control a physical device, NodeAddress is not used.


On input, the length of the Frame payload in bytes, including the FCP header.


On input, a pointer to an FCP_FRAME structure that contains the FCP request to send to the device.


If successful, the IEC-61883 protocol driver sets Irp->IoStatus.Status to STATUS_SUCCESS.

If an incorrect parameter is passed in, the protocol driver sets Irp->IoStatus.Status to STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

If the protocol driver is unable to allocate resources, it sets Irp->IoStatus.Status to STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES.


Requirement Value
Header 61883.h

See also