AcxDataFormatGetMajorFormat function (acxdataformat.h)

The AcxDataFormatGetMajorFormat function gets the major format for the specified data format.


GUID AcxDataFormatGetMajorFormat(
  [in] ACXDATAFORMAT DataFormat


[in] DataFormat

The data format for which to retrieve the major format.

Return value

Returns a GUID value representing the major format for the specified DataFormat.


Specifies the general format type. The data formats that are currently supported can be found in the KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_XXX symbolic constants in the ksmedia.h header file that is included in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). A data stream that has no particular format should use KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_STREAM (defined in ks.h) as the value for its major format.

ACX requirements

Minimum ACX version: 1.0

For more information about ACX versions, see ACX version overview.


Requirement Value
Header acxdataformat.h

See also