bthsdpddi.h header

This header is used by bltooth. For more information, see:

bthsdpddi.h contains the following programming interfaces:

Callback functions


The Bluetooth SdpByteSwapUint128 function is used to reverse the byte order of an unsigned 128-bit integer.

The Bluetooth SdpByteSwapUint64 function is used to reverse the byte order of an unsigned 64-bit integer.

The Bluetooth SdpByteSwapUuid128 function is used to reverse the byte order of a 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID).

The Bluetooth SdpConvertStreamToTree function is used to create a Microsoft proprietary tree-based representation of an SDP record, while leaving the original stream-based representation unmodified.

The Bluetooth SdpConvertTreeToStream function is used to produce a raw bytestream representation of an SDP record from a tree representation. The raw bytestream version is suitable for publication on a local SDP server.

The Bluetooth SdpGetNextElement function is used to iterate through the entries found in an SDP record stream.

The Bluetooth SdpRetrieveUint64 function is used to copy an unaligned 64-bit integer from an SDP stream.

The Bluetooth SdpRetrieveUuid128 function is used to copy an unaligned 128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID) from an SDP stream.

The Bluetooth SdpValidateStream function is used to parse a raw SDP record and determine if it contains errors.



The BTHDDI_SDP_NODE_INTERFACE structure provides functions for manipulating SDP records, including converting them to and from a tree representation that profile drivers can more easily parse.

The BTHDDI_SDP_PARSE_INTERFACE structure provides functions for parsing SDP records.