PDXGK_INITIAL_COMPONENT_STATE callback function (d3dkmthk.h)

The PDXGK_INITIAL_COMPONENT_STATE callback function is implemented by the client driver to initialize the component state.



void PdxgkInitialComponentState(
  PVOID GraphicsDeviceHandle,
  PVOID PrivateHandle,
  ULONG ComponentIndex,
  BOOLEAN IsBlockingType,
  UINT InitialFState,
  GUID ComponentGuid,
  UINT PowerComponentMappingFlag



A handle to the graphics device.


An opaque handle provided in any callbacks. This handle must be globally unique, therefore, a pointer to the calling driver’s PDO or FDO should be used.


The index of the component. Generally, this will be the index used by the graphics adapter. The exception is for linked display adapter (LDA) scenarios, where the HIWORD of the ComponentIndex indicates the adapter index, as is done when the graphics driver is called by the graphics kernel for F-state changes in LDA scenarios.


Set TRUE if the component is "blocking"; for example, the graphics driver has reported the component as ActiveInD3 = 0. Otherwise, set FALSE.


The F-state of a component represented by ComponentIndex at the time of the call. If an F-state transition is currently in progress, a PDXGK_FSTATE_NOTIFICATION completion notification callback with PreNotification=FALSE will follow some time later when the transition completes. Depending on the timing, a PreNotification=TRUE callback might occur. If it does occur, it will precede the completion notification callback.


A GUID value which is the component GUID as reported by the graphics driver for this component during its DXGKQAITYPE_POWERCOMPONENTINFO response.


The HIWORD indicates if this is a custom driver defined value (0 = no, 1 = yes). If 0 (no), then the low word represents a DXGKMT_POWER_SHARED_TYPE enum value. These values are set by the graphics driver during its DXGKQAITYPE_POWERCOMPONENTINFO response, using the DXGK_POWER_COMPONENT_SHARED_DESC type added to DXGK_POWER_COMPONENT_MAPPING.

Return value



Upon shared power registration (IoCallDriver call), if PDXGK_INITIAL_COMPONENT_STATE was provided, it is called once for each shared power component that the graphics driver has reported. The behavior of this callback is such that:

  • These calls are re-entrant calls, occurring prior to IoCallDriver returning
  • These calls occur at DISPATCH_LEVEL, which requires driver code and data to be memory-resident
  • As these callbacks occur prior to IoCallDriver returning, DXGK_GRAPHICSPOWER_REGISTER_OUTPUT would not have been filled in yet
  • If any F-state transitions are currently in progress, a post-notification PDXGK_FSTATE_NOTIFICATION will alert the driver of the final state. Such calls will be guaranteed to occur after the InitialComponentStateCb calls. However, it is possible that such callbacks could occur prior to IoCallDriver returning if synchronization is required. A spin lock should be around IoCallDriver and the PDXGK_FSTATE_NOTIFICATION handler.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Header d3dkmthk.h

See also