The PEP_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_STATES structure contains a list of discrete performance state (P-state) values for the specified P-state set.


  [in] PEPHANDLE       DeviceHandle;
  [in] ULONG           Component;
  [in] ULONG           Set;
  [in] PPEP_PERF_STATE States;


[in] DeviceHandle

A PEPHANDLE value that identifies the device. The PEP supplied this handle in response to a previous PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification.

[in] Component

The index that identifies the component. This member is an index into the Components array in the PEP_DEVICE_REGISTER_V2 structure that the PEP previously supplied in response to the PEP_DPM_REGISTER_DEVICE notification for this device. If the Components array contains N elements, component indexes range from 0 to N–1.

[in] Set

The index that identifies this P-state set. If M is the number of P-state sets for this component, P-state set indexes range from 0 to M–1. The PEP previously specified the number of P-state sets in response to a PEP_DPM_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_CAPABILITIES notification.

[in] States

A pointer to an output buffer. The PEP writes an array of PEP_PERF_STATE structures to this buffer. Each array element describes one P-state in the P-state set specified by the Set member. The Windows power management framework (PoFx) allocated this buffer, which is guaranteed to be large enough to contain an array of the length that the PEP previously wrote to the Discrete.Count member of the PEP_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_SET structure in response to a PEP_DPM_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_SET notification.


This structure is used by the PEP_DPM_QUERY_COMPONENT_PERF_STATES notification. All four members of this structure contain input values that are supplied by PoFx when this notification is sent.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 10.
Header pepfx.h (include Pep_x.h)

See also