IStiUSD::Diagnostic method (stiusd.h)

A still image minidriver's IStiUSD::Diagnostic method runs diagnostic tests on a still image device.


HRESULT Diagnostic(
  LPSTI_DIAG pBuffer



Caller-supplied pointer to an STI_DIAG structure to receive testing status information.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the method should return S_OK. Otherwise, it should return one of the STIERR-prefixed error codes defined in stierr.h.


The IStiUSD::Diagnostic method is called when a user clicks on the Scanners and Cameras Control Panel's Test button. The method should execute tests to confirm that the device is fully operational. For a scanner, these tests might include turning the light on and off, and moving the scanning arm. For a camera, they might include execution of built-in diagnostic functions, or manipulation of device settings. The return value should indicate success or failure of the diagnostic tests.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header stiusd.h (include Stiusd.h)

See also
