IDebugRegisters2::GetNumberPseudoRegisters method (dbgeng.h)

The GetNumberPseudoRegisters method returns the number of pseudo-registers that are maintained by the debugger engine.


HRESULT GetNumberPseudoRegisters(
  [out] PULONG Number


[out] Number

Receives the number of pseudo-registers that are maintained by the debugger engine.

Return value

This list does not contain all the errors that might occur. For a list of possible errors, see HRESULT Values.

Return code Description
The method was successful.


Not all of the pseudo-registers are available in all debugging sessions or at all times in a particular session.

The valid indices for pseudo-registers are between zero and the number of pseudo-registers, minus one.

For an overview of the IDebugRegisters interface and other register-related methods, see Registers.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header dbgeng.h (include DbgEng.h)